View Full Version : help lonley and scared

13-02-06, 21:46
I feel like I only come on here when Im having a bad time of it and im not very good at replying to peoples posts...but Im wanting advise off you all because you are all so amazing at giving sound advise:D

The last week has gradually been getting worse...sounds odd but have had a promotion in work..have gone from working in a small office to a large open plan office and every day I am feeling worse Im finding it hard to cope in work, I feel like running out of work every minute of the day....whilst sitting in the office I feel like I may stop breathing, whilst people talk to me my breath gets more rapid the panic kicks in I know nobody there so feel like I have to put a front on....Im armed with lavender hankies evreyday, rescue remedy and doing deep breathing in the loos lol etc....I just feel so lonley with this at the moment like I am the only one in the world with worries....Im worried I may have a nervous breakdown as well :( HELP!!!!!

13-02-06, 22:22
First things first, calm down, your getting yourself all worked up.
New things are always going to be nerve racking at the best of times. I bet your worring before you've even got there and tonight your worring about tomorrow and it hasn't come yet. Try and relax use all the techniques you know this evening to chill yourself out ready for the new day tomorrow, I know it's difficult.
You will not have a nervous breakdown, it's just all new to you at the moment and you have to gice yourself time to feel comfortable in this new office and around all the new people. Is there anyone there that you feel you may beable to talk to about how your feeling, sometimes this helps.
The lavender and resuce remedy is great! Hope you have a better day tomorrow and try to relax. Tara x

13-02-06, 22:30
You won't have a nervous breakdown mate you are just adjusting to a new environment.

Is half the trouble because you feel abit exposed - could you arrange some big plants around the back of you - you know some of the office plants or would you feel daft doing this.

Years ago I worked in an office and hated the fact I faced away from the room - I wouldn't sleep comfortably in bed in the middle of a room either, I like to edge next to something. A midwife once told me babies often snuggle up to the top of their cot so their head is against something, awww!!

See what can be done to make your work environment work for you my sweet as you have to spend enough time there for goodness sake. I would arrange lots of lovely pics of my family and pink things on my desk[:I]

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 22:35
Hi Kir

I hope it will settle for you soon, it's hard to adjust to a new working environment and I really think they have no idea how many people find those big open spaces hard to get used to... but piglet's right, pics and home comforts really help...

Also, I bet, even though you may never find out, there's at least one other person in there who has or is going through the same thing... it's SO common!

good look and take care xxxx


15-02-06, 17:36
thanx for your replies people means alot!!

well have put up a pic of my favouriteist place in the world Ive been to GREECE a lovley picture of the sea with beautiful clear blue skies....its my escapism I just look at that and think about being there.....

Piglet hun it is the exposed fact very much so its an open plan office with about 200 people in there v. scary and im reet in the middle of it all that alone is scary to me....there was a big printer next to me the other day but my boss moved it grrrr i could hide behind it!! am getting a bit more comfortable there and i can walk around whenever i want...i just feel a bit vulnerable at the mo with how i feel anyway and this huge new challenge god I need to win the lottery 2nite lol!!

does anyone else sit in the loo to escape everything and deep breathe am i weird!!

15-02-06, 22:15
hi there,
the fact is, offices are horrible, horrible places. it's a jungle out there, so if you are prone to panic or anxiety it's always going to take a bit of time getting used to. but i'm sure that as time goes on you will get used to the open plan thing and will soon settle in.
congratulations on your promotion, by the way.