View Full Version : tattoo and anxiety - bad combination ?

21-06-10, 06:22
I've wanted to get a tatto since before i can remember , i had one booked for my 20th birthday but then my anxiety condition came out of no where a few weeks before so i had to cancel .

It's been a pretty bumpy ride for me but the one challenge i keep coming back to is getting a tattoo .

I'm a bit strange when it comes to things like this , i'd call myself a massive wimp with a ridiculously low pain tolerance , i'm over dramatic about absolutely everything , however , i've had piercings before , with things like that i used to be able to handle with no problems ( yet if is stubbed my toe i'd be convinced i'd die ... ) so i figured i'd have the same mentality with a tattoo .

But now i'm completely terrified .

a few months back i went to the doctor for some blood tests , i've never had any issues with blood or needles , i've had blood taken before and it didn't bother me , injections i managed to survive through , but because i had anxiety on this occasion it was a disaster , i freaked out when my doctor put that strap thing around my arm because my arm was literally blue , i went all clammy and felt so faint .

the doctor never did manage to get blood ...

so my worry is that if i go for a tattoo , i'll pass out :weep: or die or just that the pain will be so bad that i won't be able to carry on or something

has anyone got any experiences they'd like to share ? I REALLY want to do this for myself to prove anxiety can't stop me from doing things i want to do , it's done that enough this past year of my life , i want to take back some more control .

i just have to find the strength :-(

jaded jean
21-06-10, 07:01
Hi Andromeda.
In the middle of my time off from work with Anxiety (8months) had a full inside forearm tattoo done, I can see your reasonong about it, for me it was a release something else to focus on . In the end it is really up to you . you can have a bit done at a time - just book in for an hour take someone with you.thats what I did.
take care.
:D Jean

23-06-10, 03:23
I couldn't agree more with Jaded Jean, I found my tattoo's very threraputic actually, it was time to just forget about everything. I didn't think it really hurt and I found that while it was being done I could just drift away and think about everything. Hope that helps x

24-06-10, 18:11
All i can say is, So what if you need to take a break if you cant carry on?

Tattoos wont kill you :) If you feel like your going to pass out, this is normal for some people! Just tell the tattooist and they will get you water and something sugary. Its not a strange thing to happen!

I had my tattoo and found it relaxing and i was really worried I would cry lol and it sounds silly but i litterally thought the pain would make me cry! Now im going to have my second one (a large one) on my back and im really terrified but im going to swallow my fears and get it because i know if i need them to stop and give me a break or finish it another time then its no problem. Make sure you find a tattoo place that you feel comfortable in and feel welcomed in :)

Hope you get it done itl be a great reminder that you can do it :D

I think you reacted like that to the doctor coz this has maybe been playing on your mind? and now your worried because of an experiance that was fuelled by anxiety.

Im not sure how to let it go, but i just had mine done knowing i was scared and i was fine.

Good luck