View Full Version : Worried for boyfriend - he has a large number of moles

21-06-10, 11:08
My new boyfriend has quite alot of moles all over his body. I would say maybe 50 to 60 moles. Hes quite blase about this, and doesnt think he has anything to worry about, but ive read that people with a large number of moles are prone to skin cancer. I want him to go to docs and ask to ahve them looked at but he wont and says Im being paranoid as he hasnt noticed any changes but god knows how he would with so many! (hes really supportive of my little worries but wont humour me enough to go get checked himself).

I have maybe 25 moles with new ones seemingly always appaering, including two really large ones and have always been terrified that I might get skin cancer. Ive been to docs twice and both times they were very dismissive and took nothing more thabn a quick glance at 2 of them before saying nothing to worry about and no need to refer you if you havent noticed them itchy or bleeding or changing, even though ive said I dont know exactly how they looked before! So I know that his doc might be dismissive to him too

Do you think I should keep nagging him to go?

margaret jones
21-06-10, 12:08
Yes Louise keep nagging him to go to GP and get them checked out .

My soninlaw was the same and my daughter took pics of 1 that appeared to change and eventually he went ,after biopsy it was confirmed melamona and all been removed and ok .
The DR at hopsital told him he should be thanking her for pushing the issue .

So yes keep at him I am sure it will be fine , and put your mind at ease


21-06-10, 12:13
So is he at risk with quite a number of moles? :-S

margaret jones
21-06-10, 12:15
Dont think so Louise but for your peace of mind go to see GP XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

21-06-10, 12:21
My mother has a HUGE amount of moles. They've all been fine - she had a few removed, but they weren't dangerous. She's been told to keep an eye on a few. For peace of mind, he should have them checked.