View Full Version : Does anyone feel losing control?

21-06-10, 12:17
I had enough of this f***ing illness, i feel like going postal.

i come on here and see people who have had agoraphobia for years, is there any beating this illness?

its a f***ing curse and i have had enough of this world.

goodbye people

21-06-10, 13:35

Although I don't have agoraphobia, I do have other problems and I just wanted to let you know that your never on your own. Firstly, your doing a great thing by talking about it. I know it's really difficult dealing with it but try and stay positive and look into different ways that can help you. Have you looked at all the different avenues towards recovery? I've suffered with anxiety for about 5 years now (although counselling has made me realise I've had it in me since I was little). I have only lately started looking into different ways that can help me and I am determined to find a way out of this hell.

If I can help in any way, let me know. Your not on your own and there are lots of positives in this world and in your life.

I hope your ok.x

21-06-10, 14:33

I don't suffer from agoraphobia but I do get claustrophobic in my car (and elsewhere) and it got to the point where I couldn't actually get in the car and drive to work. With the help of some EMDR therapy (controversial but it worked for me - please Google it if you need more info as I don't think I can really explain it) and a lot of hard work (getting in the car even though I didn't want to, forcing myself to drive to work and back every day, never pulling over and getting out even though it was the only thing on my mind) I have now got it to a manageable level. Most days I'm fine but some days I know I'm going to struggle. That's really frustrating, but you have to be kind to yourself. Accept that you have a long-term illness and you're going to have rubbish days. I know for a long time I was desperate for a pill that would turn off the panic attacks every time I got in the car but I know that there isn't one. I have this problem, it's not my fault and I'm doing my best to manage it. Every time I drive the car to work, no matter how anxious I've been, I award myself a mental point against the monster: Me 1 Anxiety 0. Guess who's winning....:) Hang in there! Poppy x