View Full Version : Overcompensating.

21-06-10, 13:22
I've found that when I'm anxious but able to actually go into a situation I over compensate or do the opposite. An example would probably be: When I go with my friend to do some shopping at Asda or something, I'm either really quiet, scared looking almost, timid and quite avoiding or I'm TOO loud, my friend gets annoyed, one of my friends even pulled me up about it. "Why when you're in shops do you get dead flappy, you just start chatting sh*t and acting strange"... I start acting weird, I shout and laugh, I act completely immature, I dance around and say weird things, it's like I'm covering up, this is my act. Anybody else do anything similar?

21-06-10, 13:39
Hey ya,

I too act differently when anxious; mostly I go into my own little world and I probably come across really moody to people. I do also go quite hyper though at times. It's a really tough thing to deal with, so I think your brain goes into overdrive sometimes and doesn't quite know how to handle it. It makes sense to me that your trying to act 'normal' (although I don't think theres any such thing). If your friend/s aren't going through the same thing then they probably won't fully understand but it's worth telling them why you react in such a way so they are aware of it and can empathise with you.

21-06-10, 14:10
Ive done similar. Ive never had anyone pull me aside though as I tell everyone I have anxiety problems, so they know whats going on if i do act like a mad woman.