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View Full Version : Running scared again,,,

21-06-10, 14:23
Hardly come on here now,,,Got the Shrink/head doctor again today at 5pm and once again i'm terrified!!!!,,,,I see the mental health nurse every week i can take that,,,but this scares me to death everytime, and today is no exception it seems. Taking my diazepam and other meds to keep me a little calmer but i'm still scared today. I don't know maybe today is a reminder that i'm still ill,,,or maybe i'm afriad of the feelings i have to tell the shrink about,,,either way it makes me feel crap and scared,,,once again i want to just run away and hide!!!! But then i think if i do that i'm never going to get completely better. Seems like you have to take every bump along the ride to get better,,,shrinks, side effects from meds, what people really think of you being this way!!!,,,
I just want today over and done with again,,,I hate this so much sometimes!!!!

21-06-10, 15:16
Hi Redrainbow,
I know how you feel. We keep so much stuff bottled up that when we actually get the chance to talk about it we fear we will fall apart or not taken seriously.
The anticipation takes it out of us and we just wish we had non of it.

I have had to attend hospital for the last couple of years on a health issue and the whole waiting rooms/panic attacks thing has had a far bigger impact on me than the implications of the illness.

Try to remember that this is for you and is a chance to maybe get a few answers and a little help.
I hope your appointment is a positive and supportive one.
We all hate this stuff.

Best wishes,

21-06-10, 18:30
Somebody once said to me that you have to think of the doctor with no clothes on! All I'm saying is that they are human beings like the rest of us! Don't feel imtimidated by this. My psychiatrist always allows me to decide on the course of treatment or tablets before embarking on it. I guess by the time you read this it will be all over and done with. Perhaps take someone with you the next time. Take care EJ.