View Full Version : think my docs wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21-06-10, 14:41
iv been having really bad pains in my neck for days now, jut got back from the docs he was moody but did check me thoughrully-he said its muscle strain and not a lot he can do bar painkillers. however my problem is i have convinced myself he is wrong and im in the start of a heart attack, im not even having chest pains but i cannot stop thinking that this is it any second now my hearts going to just stop or something. Driving myself mad with it havent been able to relax for days now.

21-06-10, 15:25
hi davey, ive been having pains in my neck for weeks!!!! either achey or shooting pains up into my mouth!! i know its muscular after giving my self a rational talking tooŽ!!!! even just bein on pc my head leans to the left(hence ache on rirght side of neck!)a woman in work told me we have a lot of muscles in our neck or wed have floppy heads!!! lol dont worry check yor posture etc xxx