View Full Version : Weird things happening

13-02-06, 22:33
I’m getting brave now with posting here, you will soon be sick of me! I don’t really know why I am posting this, other than to get it all out of my head and ask if anyone has experienced anything similar and can convince me I am not going mad (even though I probably know this deep down!).

I have been doing ok lately and realise that sometimes this can make you go backwards again but I don’t know whether that is what is happening to me. There has been lots going on which may mean there are reasons behind this but I have never had this before and it is quite worrying.

I woke up the other night feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I tried to get up and found I couldn’t open my right eye and when I turned over the right side of my face was numb and tingly. I’m pretty sure I was awake and it wasn’t a dream but once I got my breath I went back to sleep and wasn’t really bothered by the eye thing. Until I woke the next morning that is! I did try and put it out of my mind and forget it but I have had it since.

Then I was out last night with someone I was quite anxious about seeing anyway. I was very aware that he seemed quite anxious as well so I was doing most of the talking. Then I got the not being able to breath thing again. It’s hard to explain because it’s not like I couldn’t get my breath but just like I had forgotten how to breathe (oh it sounds mad I know) and then when I managed to breath again I started panicking and we left. Luckily he didn’t realise what was going on, he just went along with the ‘shall we go now because you have to be up early?’ thing!

I have never had either of these things before, normally my panic is linked directly to my phobia and this wasn’t the case for either of these things. What do you think? Is it anxiety related or not? If so then why?? I don't really understand!


Tammy x

13-02-06, 22:50
All sounds pretty familiar to me mate.

The forgetting to breath thing is a regular for me and most certainly at night when I am half asleep. I wonder if you had fallen asleep on your side and sort of squashed up your face a bit. I often wake up with a numb arm cos I have slept on it and so then I wave this heavy limb around in the dark gettin pins and needles in it - then I go back to sleep.

I wouldn't spend much time on this one - we have a whole medical dictionary of conditions to get through yet!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-02-06, 12:58
Hi Tammy,

I used to get that a lot but i couldnt stop thinking about it which made it worse, i started yoga about 2 years ago and that has helped me loads with my breathing and relaxing,

take care

kairen x

14-02-06, 13:03
not fed up with u yet tammy and if you read molly15 post in either health anxiety or symptoms you will see this is common especially at nite.

anxiety again im afraid, dont you just love it

take care

14-02-06, 18:14
Hi Tammy, as you know Im not really here at the moment, in more ways than one but saw your post and feel bad am not here for you, will try and do MSN sometimes, sorry Tammy my friend, text you sometime.
Take care, sounds like anxiety to me,xxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

14-02-06, 20:59

I have had the forgetting to breathe thing - freaky and scary isn't it.

It sounds like anxiety to me and I am sure it will pass very soon


14-02-06, 21:16
Thanks for the reassurance everyone.

I don't think it was because I had been sleeping funny but it may have been I suppose. I do get that with my arm as well though all the time Piglet!

Kairen - thanks, I am going to look into starting a yoga class with my friend. I have a video but have got lazy!

Alexis - please don't feel bad at all. You have more than enough to deal with at the moment and I didn't want to bother you about anything else. You just look after yourself.

Yes it is quite scary but at least I know I'm not the only one! It is weird to think that you would forget to breathe and then when you realise what is happening it's like you can't remember how to. Oh well, like you all say I'm sure it will pass. Thanks Nic and Jackie too.

Tammy x

14-02-06, 22:44
Hi Tammy

Yes i started off with yoga video but like you just never got round to doing it,

My instructor told us to hold our breaths for as long as we could proving reallt that you couldnt stop yourself breathing it was good as there were a few people in the class had the same thoughts

I love yoga it has helped me so much with relaxation

good luck xx

kairen x

15-02-06, 21:32
It sounds exactly like some of the symptoms I get.

Well done for getting through it though and recognising it for what it is. It's just another manifestation of the anxiety.

I hope it was a one off.

Take it easy
Annie x x

16-02-06, 09:27
*My instructor told us to hold our breaths for as long as we could proving reallt that you couldnt stop yourself breathing*

That's a relief! Thanks for sharing that Kairen. I know it is mad to think you would forget to breathe but it really does feel like it at the time. I have no reason to feel like this and am trying to ignore it now so hopefully it will go soon.

Thanks both.

Tammy x

17-02-06, 10:59

The bodys breathing is regulated by a variety of internal triggers and never fails a it is invulunatarz.

What may have happened is that you awaoke from sleep suddenly whilst you only needed a very few breaths a minute during sleep and with the startle increased your requirement and it took a couple of seconds for you to catch up with yourself.

You are fine and doing great

Meg xx