View Full Version : Back To Work

jaded jean
21-06-10, 17:07
I had my return to work chat this afternoon and Ithink it went well, I have my proper one when I have done my phased in return so this is one step nearer normality!
NB ALTHOUGH I DONT ALWAYS LIKE BEING 'NORMAL'!!!!:shades::shades::shades:

21-06-10, 18:05
Hi Jean,

Well done!!! 1st step over with!!

May it continue.


jaded jean
21-06-10, 18:19
Thank you Jo.
Iwas a little apprehensive but that disappeared after 5 minutes. I even mentioned the blips with the cit, Do they actually ever disappear??
How was your day are you becoming more settled with the pregabalin??

jaded jean
22-06-10, 17:49
Had my second real day today I was in for 4 hours!!:yahoo:
My treat was trawling thru 724 emails from the first day Iwas off sick...... welcome back Jean:lisa:

22-06-10, 18:29
Hi Jean,
Well done on taking this first real step, pity about all the emails though, oh well, you won't have to deal with that lot tomorrow. Mind you, I bet a good number of them were pretty much pointless anyway :D

I'm looking forward to getting back into a job again now, mainly cos I need some money :D


jaded jean
22-06-10, 19:57

23-06-10, 10:05
Hi Jean,

Glad you settling down o.k back at work. Thats great news!! I am feeling much better (at the moment) hardly dare write it!!! I think the pregabalin is really helping me and cannot believe I have found something at last!! Hope it continues for the both of us!!

Take care.

Not pleased today..on a late shift and going to miss the match!!! Come on England!!!!

jaded jean
23-06-10, 13:00
Hi Jo.
you will be with them in spirit no doubt!!!!
My hubby is a kiwi so I had to put up with that at the weekend lol. I am off today but back on tomorrow as going to one of the other schemes. I have been there about 6 times and do you know since I was ill I cannot for the life of me remember the route. god knows why but hey ho could be the meno poking its nose in too .
Have a good shift anyway and keep on going good girlie xxx

24-06-10, 09:18
Hi Jean,

Perhaps its better when I dont watch them....they win!! It is my Sunday in this week so wont be watching again!!

Glad you doing good, your confidence will just keep growing and you will go from strength to strength.

My day off today so catching up on everything. I work full-time so dont get much time in-between.

Take care

jaded jean
24-06-10, 14:46
Had my first day at a scheme with another manager who is just an absolute sweetie. she kept asking me if I was ok do I need a drink etc. It went really well. i chatted to all the residents visited and looked thru the new paperwork and was fine until I rang my team leader to let him know that I was going and Isaid to him yes it was a lovely day considering the dodgey start -'WHAT DO YOU MEAN DODGEY START'? as if I had commited the all out sin.I told him I wouldbe truthful in everything -is he expecting me to just slip straight back into the role and no hiccups. so much for support........:mad:

24-06-10, 14:54
Jean, so glad you are back at work and things not going too bad for you. It does take time, even with dodgey starts!! How does he expect you to just go straight back into it without some little blip along the way. You will be fine though, and all good wishes to you that you continue to improve.
I'm off work for a few days, off to see England v Aus next week at the Oval in a one-day, can't wait, watching it on the tele now, I just love my cricket :-)

Wish you all the very best
Jannie x x

jaded jean
24-06-10, 15:06
hi jannie!!!
yes I was a bit miffed by his comment but I think he has lost the compassionate streak as he has been promoted and got his self a bmw so.... jean is well out of the equation. I am not bitter tho I had one of the best managers look after me, I am sooooooooooo tired now!!!

24-06-10, 15:18
You've started though, that's the main thing, you can only get better day by day, and the manager who is looking after you sounds a real sweetie. Let him enjoy his BMW, I hope it keeps him warm at night and gives him a hug when he's down!!! It takes nothing to be nice to people and it costs nothing. You will be fine, I just let those kind of people go way over my head :-) they're the losers in the end.
Good luck to you Jean
Jannie x x

jaded jean
24-06-10, 15:48
They certainly are Jannie.
I know he calls it a promotion but it is covering someones maternity leave hehe.
Let the dog have its day then....

24-06-10, 17:27
Hi Jean,

They make you laugh dont they??? See people just dont understand do they?? Suppport??? That team leader needs a lesson in people skills I think!! LOl!!

I think you are doing great...keep it up...you will be fine.

Take care hun.

jaded jean
24-06-10, 19:06
Thanks for the giggle Jo.
You keep in the same direction girlie:yesyes: