View Full Version : Sharp stabbing pains in abdomen

21-06-10, 19:55
This morning I suddenly got very sharp but split second stabbing pain in right side of abdomen sort of in front of hip at top - its every few seconds but is only a split second. I thought it might be becasue I had been sitting awkwardly yesterday and twisting my body over to the right but I also felt as if my bowels were uncomfortable like bubbles gugling and feeling of pressures. I normally go to loo three time in morning then again later in evening but today I have got about 7 times every 2-3 hrs- normal motions but just have to keep going. I don't feel sick but don't feel hungry either and the sharp pain is really getting me down. If I sit still or lay down it improves but walking and moving makes it worse which made me initially think it was coming from my back.

My husband has also had funny bowels all day as well he hasn't got the stabbing pain but says he feels uncomfortable and again has been to loo about 6 times which is not like him at all.

I know its not appendicitis as I had that out two years ago for similar pain and it wasn't my appendix then they couldn't find anything wrong ( the pain was in different place and much stronger) and after a colonsocpy they said it was IBS and I have had a few episodes of stabbing abdo pain in all sorts of places since that usually last 24 hrs then go.

I am worrying that this pain is not getting any better - is the pain connected to the excess bowel motions but if so my husband doens't have the pain.

My health anxiety is in overdrive- I want to run to Dr I do have an appt tomorow in evening for another matter but feel awful going with loads of things at once!

22-06-10, 10:55
Hi Countrygirl, I answered your post a few days ago about heat/light headedness before going to the loo, and so I fully understand your concern about this sharp pain. Maybe I can put your mind at rest a little because I too had this pain but it was on my left side. It was just like a needle going in, very quick but very sharp. The first time I had it I thought nothing of it, but it gradually increased to maybe 12 times a day and this went on for over a year. I have had a colonoscopy in the past when they found a polyp and it was removed and I was overdue for a check up, so had another colonoscopy and I told the consultant about the pain but they could find nothing wrong. The pain continued, and it would often happen as I bent down and really catch me unawares. In the end I decided todo a process of elimination with the food I was eating and after a couple of months the pain stopped and I put it down to Orange Juice. Because like you my bowel is very sensitive to my anxiety, I have to be careful how much fruit I eat because the acid upsets my stomach. Also I got a lot of wind rumbling around the area, so I presume that the gas was getting stuck in the bowel. Like you when my system is anxious I got to the loo 3 or 4 times in the morning (this morning especially) as I am very anxious with light hadedness, shaky and my legs feel as though I am stumbling when I walk and I am getting wound up as I have to take my sister in law shopping tomorrow and I have to drive the car which panics me when I am light headed. Anyway enough ramblings, I do hope this helps a little and I am always willing to try and help.:hugs::hugs: