View Full Version : I am so sick of this feeling........... Grrrrr

21-06-10, 20:02
I am so sick of this feeling of a foreign object/debris in the right hand side of my throat. I have pain in the neck that side and bad sinus headaches this morning. I've also started to have a 'burning/tingling' tongue (right hand side) and a 'burning/tingling' throat right hand side. The lump/debris/object also feels like it's in my chest on the right hand side to?

I can think is that something (i.e. cancer) is growing in my throat. It's hard NOT to worry about this when it's with you ALL DAY, EVERYDAY!! The only respite I get is from eating and sleeping; however I've now started to feel 'something' when eat. I just wish my ENT appt would hurry up but then again I'm scared what they're going to say?? I just want to wake up and this F&*king feeling be gone. It is seriously worrying me and affecting my life.......:weep: Sorry for rant and swearing. I'm so depressed with this now............

21-06-10, 20:15
Do you have post nasal drip down the back of your throat - this can give you a feeling as if there is something in your throat all the time. do you also have a cough??

when is your ent appt?? I would think the first thing the ent Dr will do is put a camera up your nose and down to your throat - sounds bad but I have had it and its not bad at all - the local they spray up your nose is a strange sensation but the camera is not that bad - they can then see right down to your voice box.

Do you know how long you have to wait for your appt?

21-06-10, 20:31

I don't have a cough; however I have noticed in the morning I've been looking in my mouth/throat and I see a line of mucus(white/greeny colour) going from the back of my nasal down my throat. Sometimes my throat is sore (not very often) it's always on the right side? It's driving me mad. I started my new job today. I have been a Dental Nurse for 10years (so I know what Oral Cancer looks like) It doesn't stop me worrying though!

The worst part about today was that I couldn't relax because I was too concerned about my throat. Also I've started on the Maxillo facial unit which specialise in head and neck!!!! They have the equiptment to carry out that prcedure. I also tried my luck! And on the new patient waiting list clinic had a surgeon/consultant have a feel; however we had so many patients the next time I looked it was time to go home! I'll try again tomorrow. My appt with ENT is the 9th July. It is a different hospital you see to where I work! Different regions! I know if I had been working longer in my current post they would see me ASAP. ENT is even conected to my dept!!! How frustrating huh! I'll try again.................