View Full Version : Ladies... a bit icky.

21-06-10, 20:36
Today I was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, which the doc thinks may have spread into my kidneys. I have started a course of antibiotics.

What is concerning me, however, is the fact that I now have, erm, a fair amount of blood. It could just be my period, which is a couple of days overdue, but I'm worried that it's the infection got worse to the point where I can actually see blood in my urine.

Bit scared.

21-06-10, 20:38
Is there blood on the toilet paper after u have finished peeing? It could well be ur period if you are due for one.

21-06-10, 20:40
Best way to check is to get a mirror and have a look at where the blood is coming from. Its pretty obvious if its coming from your vagina.

21-06-10, 21:05
I agree with Vixxy, you will see it coming from your vagina if it's your period. It is VERY common though to have blood in your urine with a UTI.

Hope you feel better soon.

21-06-10, 22:20
Yeah it's definately my period. Panic over for the time being.

Going home
21-06-10, 22:51
Just to add though that its also very common for an urinary tract infection to produce blood in the urine....not usually much, more trace than period-like, but it does happen....so if you ever have another infection that doesn't line up with a period and you see some blood don't worry...as long as you let your doctor know it can easily be treated.

Anna xxx :)

21-06-10, 23:11
Yeah, when the doc tested me earlier she told me I had a lot of blood and protein in it, but the blood wasn't visible. I just thought that if that counts as a lot of blood, then if I can SEE the blood it must be loads. Instead it is most definately my overdue period, as if I didn't have enough to contend with in that area already!

Only slight panic now is if the infection doesn't clear with the antibiotics... Several years ago (pre serious HA, I'd never do this now!) I had a uti develop into a kidney infection and didn't seek medical help, hoping it would go away on its own... I ended up in hospital. I'd really rather that didn't happen again!