View Full Version : New to Site

21-06-10, 21:22
Hi there

I have just joined after googling 'help with anxiety' and finding this site. I am in my 20's and recently suffered a very serious illness. It has seen me in an out of hospital for the past three months. I am due back to work this week and am having panic attacks.

I have always been a worrier but the illness brought on a whole new level of anxiety that I have not known how to deal with. My workplace are not happy at all at the time off work and the staff have really stuck the knife in since I have been away. I popped in to the office a few times which seemed to ruffle some feathers as certain staff members have enjoyed my absence as they have an issue with my job - they think they can do better than me at it and have expressed this to other staff.

I am having trouble sleeping and wondered if anyone had any advice? Its making me tearful, tired and hindering my recovery from the illness. i dont take any medication for my anxiety but do have tablets to help me recover from my illness. How do others cope with their anxiety? I cannot seem to stop worrying regardless of what I am busy doing. My partner must have had enough of my miserable face by now!

I think this site is really good and reading some other posts that are relevant to me has been helpful. I wish everyone luck with their worries and If I can help by sharing my experiences that will be great.

Lilly x

21-06-10, 21:24

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-06-10, 21:48
Welcome to NMP. I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

21-06-10, 22:17
Hi Lilly, welcome and sorry to hear you are not feeling well at this time, it is difficult dealing with physical illness never mind nervous illness aswell.. I've suffered since childhood with panic and the best advice is remember what you are experiencing are only sensations, brought on by having strung out nerves (everything is magnified) and they can never hurt you, I know thats easier said than done!! And time will improve your peace of mind just try to accept this will soon pass, again not easy but just remember your not alone and here is a good place to vent to like minded people..
Good luck

22-06-10, 13:33
Thank you for welcoming me to the site and for your messages. Martin I appreciate your advice and will try to calm my nerves by thinking in that way - that what I am feeling are sensations and cant hurt me. as the day to go back to work approaches I am getting increasingly anxious but will read some more posts on here and try to put things into prospective.

Thanks again xx

22-06-10, 20:40
Good luck Lily, take no notice of them in work - I know its hard. I had 4 months off work last year when my anxiety started - I felt so ill with it! Am having a slight relapse at the mo but am pushing myself to carry on going to work it can be so hard sometimes - I had to have antidepressants to help me along something I neva thought I would have to do. My partner has been so patient but if they love u thats wot they do don't feel guilty about feeling the way u do. Think positive seeing a counsellor sometimes helps put your feelings into perspective - most importantly don't suffer alone. I'm in my 30's by the way. Don't think I could have got thru the early days without some meds but if u can manage without then all good. Hope u feel better soon.

Vanilla Sky
23-06-10, 20:25
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x