View Full Version : 2 weeks since last attack until tonight

21-06-10, 21:48
Omg, i feel like im going backwards again. :( I had a panic attack about 2 hours ago that lasted 45 minutes. I thought i was doing so well, especially since ive had to cope with my husband (who was my rock during attacks) and I breaking up! It was horrible. I managed to get my breathing back to normal, but the news was on in the background & they mentioned a wee boy that had drowned at the weekend and my attack started flaring up again.

Finally got my breathing etc undercontrol, bad thoughts are being replaced by good ones again. But not sure whats happened tonight that triggered this attack. The usual trigger is the thought of me not being here anymore, not existing. But i was happily searching ebay, when it just happened. :shrug: After the attack start the intruding thoughts started. Oh I hate this. My medication has been working for the last 2 weeks. which is funny considering that how long my seperation has been so far!

At the moment i have been left with my usual flooting through life feeling ive been getting after attacks.

Sorry for the rant, always feel better after ive been on here & let it all out! xx

Kerry B
21-06-10, 22:29
I think you have done really well not having a Panic Attack for 2 weeks, I am having to deal with them every day. Just think positive and hopefully you will have another good week, it hopefully is just a little blip. What medication are you taking? as mine Cipralex doesnt seem to working for me at all x

21-06-10, 22:36
sorry to hear that. I think sometimes it takes a good while for us anxiety sufferers to get all the adrenaline out of our system, especially if you've been having a lot over the past few months, so maybe its something to do with that :unsure: I have had a number of attacks when I was feeling fine, its random nature is something I still cannot get used to.

21-06-10, 23:15
ty both for your replies. Kerry I was suffering everyday, some days more than once, for a few months there. My doctor up my medication on propranolol to 120mg per day and ive got another tablet too, altho at the moment cant find the box. I was just happy they had stopped for so long, it may have been 2 weeks but boy it felt good without one. Just worried they are returning. Ive been trying to plan the kids summer holidays which has kept me busy & full of happy thoughts. Just hoping I can keep my breathing excersises up & my happy thoughts going.
