View Full Version : Scared, nervous and wanting to be myself again

21-06-10, 23:58
Wow, a site to help people with the same or similar symptoms that i'm going through! I've read some of the posts on the site and cried ...simply because there are other people going through what i'm going through and it's such a relief. My panic attacks started about a year ago out of the blue when I was alone one night , having a midnight snack. I suddenly realsied i couldn't breath and swallow, my throat felt like it just closed up, my heart started pounding, i started sweating, and had this overwhelmeing fear that i was going to die! Being asthmatic, made it worse. I went to the urgent care unit to be told i had tonsilitis, and that i should grow up and get a grip ...
Since then i've devolped a fear of being on my own in the flat for any length of time, constantly fearing the worst.
Since Sept 09 I started getting really bad dizzy spells , numbing and tingling along my right arm, face , nose throat..In Jan 10 the symptoms got worse and had to be taken to hospital on a number of occassions only to be told i was depressed. I truely believe that I am not depressed. Since then I have discovered i have an inner ear problem causing a lot of the symptoms i've described. I have improved both with my condition and the panic as a result. However I've had tonsilitis again and suffered with my breathing and the panic attacks have come back. I can't sleep at night beacuse i think I'm not going to wake up. The fear is so overwhelming and so real, but it's so hard for others to understand . I haven't been to work since January , which has increased anxiety and stress. I often feel that I'm not really here, things feel so surreal and that really scares me. My condition has really turned my life upside down and all I want to do is go back to feeling "normal". This has been the most scariest time of my life . Will things ever go back to being "Normal" again I Wonder.....?????? Will these feelings ever go away ?????

21-06-10, 23:59
Hi Rupal

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-10, 07:21
Hi Rupal,

Welcome ot NMP....you will get lots of support and advice here to help you.

Take care.