View Full Version : LUMP!!

22-06-10, 00:38
Ive had a bit of back ache the last couple of days but ive been on my period so i just thought it was that
But yesterday i finished my period and the pain is like in my lower back
last night i felt some like weird pulsing in my back round about where your kidneys are and it was like a sharp pain
And then just now i was just feeling my back and i swear i could feel a lump but i was leaning to left kind of slouching on the computer table
i was about to run upstairs and tell my mum but i can feel the same the other side
is this normal
is it my kidneys?
I dont want to wake her up
Ive got all sorts of images going through my head :weep:

23-06-10, 14:24
Its okay, keep calm.

Lower back pain can be so many things - women can be very prone to urinary infections and they can cause lower back pain, kidney stones can cause back pain, period pain can also persist after a period has finished, and it could even just be a knot of muscle, perhaps if you are wearing the wrong size bra or doing something physical, not sitting properly or otherwise causing your back to knot up. All of these things are very minor, very easy to treat and easy to diagnose.

I just noticed this was yesterday - so sorry I wasn't here to reply then. How are you feeling today?


23-06-10, 22:30
Hi BunnyMazonas!!! :D
As stupid as im going to sound when I tell you this
I got my mum to feel it
And its my hips bones.......................
So sorry to have worried you
I worried myself!

Thanks for all the great advice though :)

24-06-10, 10:17
Oh bless you!

No need to apologise - I know exactly how horrible it feels when you get worried or anxious about something - believe me I've done far sillier things!

Glad you're okay now though :D:hugs:

25-06-10, 14:14
Yeaaah I am fine
thank youuu!!!!! :D:hugs: xx