View Full Version : My Story

22-06-10, 01:49
Hey everyone, I have a thread in the social anxiety section explaining my story and experiences, however lately I've been experiencing depression with my social anxiety so I thought I'd link it to the depression section.

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to give advice to me, it really means a lot.

Here it is: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=76237

22-06-10, 03:38
Hi Enzo,

I read through your previous post and I am so sorry the feelings you are having.

To give you some background on me, I suffered from panic attacks 2 years ago after a sudden death in the family and a near death of my father. I was working a very very stressful job in finance at the time. I had never experienced something so horrible as that.

I have been fighting this for 2 years, not panic attacks anymore but chronic anxiety and depression. I finally visited a psychologist in the fall and was diagnosed with GAD, OCD and Adjustment Disorder :blush: I refused medication until last month and began Lexapro. I had a nasty reaction to this and had to cease taking it. I never took Ativan but would use natural remedys instead. Depression and anxiety go hand in hand. I notice that when the anxiety is up, there is no depression. Seems to be no room for that feeling when anxiety is in control. Once the anxiety lifts, that is when the depression is awful. So much of this has to do with the exhaustion our nerves are under with the anxiety.

I was very successful before this. My job however was very pressuring and I am also a perfectionist :lac: I could not delegate to coworkers and I put much pressure on myself. It seems when I do something - I do it at 200% and it was the constant pressure of that and these sudden life changing events that caused all this- however I have been an anxious person from birth sadly :weep:

I have not worked for 2 years because of this. I think that in itself is probably not doing many favors for me. I suggest you continue at your own pace with work. It takes tremendous courage for what you are doing and it is good you are getting yourself out of your comfort zone. Just take things at your own pace. Don't make the mistake I did and take everything on. We anxiety suffers are very hard workers when our minds are properly focused, but we can be our own worst enemy when we don't give ourself a break.

Don't worry about the depression. What you are feeling is very common with anxiety. Depression is a toughy. I have battled this before but not at the levels now. I think the more you gain some confidence and distract yourself the better you will begin to feel. Patience is hard but try and take each day as it comes and don't beat yourself up. I hate how horrible this is for you stating as a male to have to mask your sensitivity. I think both sexes that suffer from anxiety do it as well. But society puts such pressures on us to be strong. You are human and don't let the emotions stay bottled up - another mistake I have made. Just brace yourself and take alone time if you need to cry. Doesn't make you weak at all. You are so much stronger than so many that have never walked in our shoes.

Best of luck and I hope you keep us updated on your situation.