View Full Version : rhuematoid arthritis, please lend me your ears.

22-06-10, 04:46
For month I have been having more muscle and joint pain than I can explain away with just anxiety. I seem to have specific joints on both sides of my body that are painful. Especially in my hands and feet but also my elbows and shoulders. The pain itself is not equal between the sides but is symmetrical. I think some of my joints are red but not obviously swollen. I have been really freaking out over this and would love if someone can tell me if they have similar symptoms. I am afraid to google because I know I will end up convincing myself that I am doomed to an early grave. Can anyone tell me what else this could be? My health insurance sucks so jetting off to see a doctor is not an option. I need to hear some rational thought here because I am convinced I am go to be in a wheelchair by 40 and not able to play with my kids or support my family. I feel worthless most of the time anyway but not being able to support them would be more than I can handle. Please, anyone please!

For what it is worth, I am a 38 yr old male with IBS, GERD and HA for years. I am not overweight and I had a physical about 8 months ago that included all standard bloodwork coming back as fine. I did not have this much pain back then so I did not mention it to the doctor.

22-06-10, 08:47
:hugs:This sounds like Fibromyalgia.I am in the process of being diagnosed with it.Ask to be checked,all my blood tests were clear,as were xrays,my Dr thought I had Arthritis too,but has now said she is 99% sure it is Fibro.Take care and try not to worry too much,as worry makes it worse.

22-06-10, 11:12
I have RA, mainly the pain is my hands, wrists and elbows but muscle pain is not really a symptom of RA, nor do you mention other symptoms which happen with RA, such weakness in affected joints, fevers, weight loss, and stiffness in the mornings. It would also have been likely that RA markers would have shown up in your blood work.

And having RA is not the end of the world, there are many different types and it affects people differently, most people have 'flare ups', like I do, easily controlled with steroids which I dont have to take all the time. Stress and anxiety make it much worse.

I've had it about 6 years now and I'm nowhere near a wheelchair, like over 95% of people who have it. I just have to be careful, no running or playing squash, exercise that places a lot of stress of my joints, the best exercise is swimming, and keeping your weight down (Neither of which happens for me :D)

Early diagnosis is best and theres are lots of successful treatments, if you are really worried it is in your best interestes to try and see a doctor.
Of course you could also be very run down, or just had a bug that has tired you right out and rest and looking after yourself for a bit could be best for you!

Good luck! :yesyes:

22-06-10, 14:08
Thanks for the response. Since I am still freaking out and way to afraid to google, I am also very worried about kidney and liver issues. Would the CBC 8 months ago have detected these things?

22-06-10, 15:44
Hi j2 I am not qualified to diagnose of course but with IBS and GERD it does sound Anxiety and possibly Fibromyalgia related. I had IBS first then GERD about two years ago.
Diagnosed with Somatization disorder in 08 and Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome this year. I hope admin doesn't mind me posting this site but it is good for Fibromyalgia its called Healing Well and has a forum for Fibro, might help to take a look there and maybe explain your situation too. They are very helpful and nice people.

22-06-10, 19:15
Does anyone get an intense pain in the ball of their foot? I am achey in many places but the ball of my feet hurts so bad I can hardly walk.