View Full Version : Making myself ill, why do I do this?

22-06-10, 08:42
Hi. It seems that I turn every little health worry into a drama which lasts for ages. Nothing I get ever just comes and goes - it always lasts for months and months and I am fed up with it. What makes some people dwell on things while others dont is a mystery to me and I hate being like this.

My latest, long running saga is trouble with my teeth which are hurting due to clenching (its a long story). I have had so many visits to the dentist its getting silly and I have a night guard to wear which isnt really helping. I am getting so wound up about it that I know I am making things worse and even on the days when I dont have any pain I am on edge just waiting for it to come back. Why cant I just accept it and get on with life like everyone else around me seems to do? I am almost wishing for something else to come along for me to worry about then this will go away, which is what usually happens. I know I need to relax and everything but easier said than done. Sorry for going on but just needed to get this out there. Thanks for listening.

22-06-10, 17:33

I clench too. And im a specialist Dental Nurse! No magic cures I'm afraid..... Have you been given a TMJ/TMD advice/exercise sheet. I find this helps? If not I can scan a copy from my dept and PM you one? I get headaches through my clenching and grinding. So I know how you feel.... :-(

I also understand you fully about worrying about not having anything to worry about!!! It's crazy! I mean I'm really busy in my new job; however still find time to worry about cancer and dying. Also I'm surrounded by it (Oral Cancer) and my patients don't worry like me! And they're frigging ACTUALLY going through it. My lump in the throat has been accompanied by a burning in the throat, feels like a lump in the chest, hurts when I breathe in deep under my right shoulder blade???

I'm so scared and fed up with it taking over my life. I've only been in my new job for 2 days. So feel a bit naughty asking them to put the camera up my nose and down my throat!! However have had a consultant feel! I will ask tomorrow though! I really do understand where your coming from and PM me if you need any dental info

N xx

23-06-10, 08:47
Thank you Neen. I am at my wits end with all of this.

I hope you get sorted out with your throat. I will PM you if thats ok.