View Full Version : Doing so well...

22-06-10, 09:01
Hi everyone,

Hope your well.

Its been a while since i last posted. Was doing really well, changed jobs and that seemed to help.

I have a couple of things that are going on and just need a bit of support to get me through this 'patch'.

Basically its felt like i have a flap of skin at the back of my tongue for a couple of weeks. I try to swallow it, drink plenty but nothing. My reasonable thought is that its hayfever (itchy throat) but my anxiety is screaming cancer!!

Lastly, i have an ear op coming up next Thursday and i am not sleeping for sheer fear of it which in turn is makng me anxious.

I am really really trying to keep it together but i have this horrible feeling that i am gonna go spiralling downwards again and i dont think i can be in that place again.

Damn this curse to hell.......

22-06-10, 09:53
:)Hi Lauren, well done for changing jobs and feeling better, you will be fine having the ear operation but there is nothing worse than the waiting, it is so stressful. Have you got any sleeping tablets that you could take short term, or perhaps get something herbal from the health food shop? Maybe when you go for the ear op you could ask them to check your throat to put your mind at rest as I presume it is the ENT department (ear, nose and throat) that you are going to. I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you get on.

06-07-10, 11:01
Hi all,

Ear Op went well (5 days ago now) i am pleased to say!

Experienced my first bowel movement this morning, my god it was the most painful experience of my life. Is this normal to have constipation after an op?? Feel a bit grim now in fairness, bum is sore too :( lol

So because i am feeling rather sore my anxiety has shot up and feel dizzy and slightly nauseous!! Not sure if its because of the constipation or because i am anxious!! AH!