View Full Version : Should I ask my doc for a Stress test?

22-06-10, 18:34

I've had HA (Mainly to do with my heart) and panic attacks for the last 10 months. I've had a lot of tests done, Echo, tons of ECGs, 24hour holter, bloods, etc. Every test has come back normal. However I used to go to the gym quite a bit and stopped for a while due to the HA. I have recently started to go back but I always hold back while I'm there. I keep thinking if I work out to the max that my heart will stop or something stupid like that. I was feeling a bit lightheaded today during my workout but I think that was due to anxiety, I kept monitoring my heart rate and worrying. :unsure:

Do you think a stress test would be beneficial to me, if only to put my mind at rest. Or do you think it's pointless due to the tests that I've had already. Could a stress test show anything that the other tests wouldn't?



23-06-10, 00:39

23-06-10, 02:48
Stress tests determine how much stress (or load) your heart can take under a certain target heart rate. Your target heart depends on your age. Some say if you can exercise at your target heart rate for 30 mins while having a conversation, your heart is good.

You can ask your doctor for a stress test as a diagnostic exercise, and not to put your mind to rest. If you are young and healthy, it is likely that there is nothing wrong with you.

23-06-10, 15:09
Thanks for the reply.

Could a holter monitor not tell how your heart is doing through exercise too. I was told to exercise when I had it on, would they not tell the same thing?

23-06-10, 18:54
if they dont think you need it ella jayne try not to worry anymore