View Full Version : I feel I need some reassurance

Purple Fish
22-06-10, 19:45

I haven`t posted on here in ages so I`ve been doing really well. Something has set me off now though. :unsure:
I feel that I have pulled my side, the left of my waist which isn`t really bothering me as I am very active and could have done it by lifting something at work/home whatever. But I`m also getting like a pulling feeling on the left of my stomach. It feels like the button from my trousers is stabbing me (which it could be!) It`s not all the time though and I`ve had a prod and I can`t feel anything.
I had an ovarian cyst 5 years ago so I`m extra cautious!
Do you think it could be a pull? I notice it when I bend forward to sit down or stand up.
I`m not even sure why I`m worrying as I feel fine. I just hope my anxiety isn`t coming back again!! I`ve done so well and been off my meds for nearly 4 months now!

Tanya xx :flowers:

22-06-10, 20:14
I am sure it is just a pull or a strain. Take it easy for a few days and I bet you will forget all about it. Good luck.

22-06-10, 20:20
its just a negative thought trying to creep back in, dont let it, youve done well, youve just pulled a muscle darl and are over thinking it, i give myself all sorts of ailments just by thinking about it :blush: just tell yourself it is nothing and it will be fine. if you really feel that it is your ovaries just go to doctors and ask for a check up, no harm done if it isnt and at least your mind will be put at rest. well done by the way for managing to be anxiety free for so long!!!!

lou x

Purple Fish
22-06-10, 20:39
Thank you for the replies! It really helps. I`ll see how I go over the next couple of days, but I imagine it`ll be gone by then!!

Purple Fish
23-06-10, 20:11
Ok so I went to the docs today and she seems to think it could be lesions from a scar I have on my stomach. They can be quite painful apparently.
My op was nearly 4 years ago though! Oh well it`s put my mind at rest anyway..... I think!