View Full Version : Only people who have had a panic attack understand what it is

22-06-10, 22:18
Hi Everone,
I have suffered from panic attacks since I was a child, can't remember when I had my first one. The used to be a reason for them at first like the war, abusive parents, arguments, high levels of stress, constant demand to preform beyond my ability.
However now they just come for no reason at all. Last one was 2 days ago and it was the worst I've ever had. My legs started twitching on their own like I was having a seizure and than my whole body started shaking along with my jaw, it was like I was having hyperthermia except I wasn't cold. But the worst isn't the panic attacks themselves, no, the worst is the absolutely horrific morbid thought that go hand in hand with the panic attacks. Like the one 2 days ago when it started with nausea laying in bed, than I felt the sudden need for everything to stop moving at which point my brain realized that nothing will ever stop moving because the earth is spinning and constantly moving. Just that thought right there; The planet is spinning and will never stand still. Sent me into a full blown horrific panic attack where I was so convinced I was going to go insane if I wasn't already so (I mean who has a panic attack because the earth is spinning). It's positively laughable right now! But when it was all happening it was so funny. I have real morbid thoughts as well, but those are too personal for me and in any case best too wanna save some for later..:blush:

I found this website while I was researching panic attacks and found that morbid thoughts where common according to one of the members on this site. All the pages on panic attacks never addressed the morbid thoughts part, so I thought maybe something something else was wrong with me than, like schizophrenia or bipolar, since in the morning a panic episode feels totally unreal, like I was not me and my thoughts were not my own.
In any case I am relived to hear some ones elses voice in the darkness!

22-06-10, 22:19
Hi Raa

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-10, 22:26
DO NOT WORRY! I have constant morbid thoughts (and i mean ALL the time). It does not mean there is anything else wrong with you, it's all part of anixety. When it comes to this site, you are perfectly normal! Best wishes x:)

22-06-10, 22:29
Haha Thanx Stig, maybe we can compare some morbid thoughts some day!

Hope Justice
05-07-10, 11:07
Hey Raa!

I have to agree with Stig! It's normal (normal sounds weird for something so horrible, i know but it is) for you to be having morbid thoughts after a long period of stress! I have it too (:. I've seen a few documentaries about it before, damn i wish i remembered what they were called that would be really handy, it was about depression and stress and hapiness and how the brain works and wires in long periods on these emotions. Basically if you've been depressed and / or stressed for a long period of time, the little branches in your brain (sorry i can't remember the correct terms) begin to wire differently and that happens over a long period of time and begin to transfer different emotions. So you can imagine that after a while of that happening you're gonna start thinking stuff! I't doesn't mean at all that your brains not working, it just means you're over stressed! Like they say, stress causes dis-ease, and this is what you, Stig and me are witnessing! Of course it can be reversed, but it takes a lot of positivity and some time. (: I think you need to think of a plan that can help you with the positivity, surround yourself with positive people if you're surrounded with more negative atm, take positive steps, do a few things each day that are whimsical, non stess related and make you laugh! ^^
I'll see if i can look up the name of that documentary i was on about, and i'll come back to you!
Take care hun and remember to do things that make you smile!

05-07-10, 12:31
You're right - only people who have PA's know what it's like, and this is why it's so difficult to explain how you feel to the countless experts you'll meet in your anxiety lifetime.

Keep a note of things as/when they happen if you can, like a PA diary. That might help and you will see a clear difference between those and the (few?) days you feel OK.

Best o'luck. xxxxxxxxxx