View Full Version : Fibro - Lymes disease

22-06-10, 22:31
Saw my Gp today and mentioned that I have terrible stabbing nerve pains in different parts of my body on and off and this has been going on for many many years - I also get twitching muscles most of the time. I know I don't have ms or any other neuro disease as had many brain mri's and said that each pain gets diagnosed as something diferent so if its in my abdomen then its ibs ( had appendix out and all the tests like colonsocoy) and when its in my chest is costochondiatus - when its down my leg its sciatica as I do have herniated discs in my back but wondered if there was anything that linked it all up rather than having all sorts of different things wrong with me and he said straight away - fibro but I said I had been tested for that with the trigger points and I don't quite have enough of them but he said that means nothing you can have it without full set of trigger points and he also said only other thing is lymes disease which is common where I live- I have only had two ticks on me and they were both small and got off fast that I know of so he is certain that I don't have it but he said new blood test is accurate so when I next have my routine thyroid tests in about 4 months he will do the lymes as well to rule it out.

So will let you all know how I go on when I have the test - he said no rush as if I do have it I have had it for about 15 yrs!! and he is really certain its fibro and not lymes.

He also said that fibro is much more common in people who are anxious or depressed as is IBS

Going home
22-06-10, 23:10
Doesn't lymes carry far more symptoms than muscle pain and twitches? I always thought left undiagnosed it produces extreme exhaustion too and ME type symptoms, and after 15 years i would think thats a long time to have this disease without it producing many more symptoms? Its only what ive read about it over the years so don't know for sure.

Anna xxx

22-06-10, 23:53
I'm just wondering if your thyroid treatment is enough. Have you ever researched that? The reference range is quite wide and it may be you need an increase to get your levels better fo you. Otherwise you might benefit from some T3 hormone which helps some people. It's worth looking into if the doc doesn't come up with anything else.


23-06-10, 05:51
Could you find out the name of the test for Lyme which they are giving you?

23-06-10, 13:34
I have all your symptoms countrygirl. Fibro and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis but always worrying about misdiagnosis like lymes. Your doctor is right no rush. There is a site called Healing Well which may be some use to you, has a full forum on Fibro and lots of advice and tips on this condition. Take it easy.

24-06-10, 09:47
Thanks everyone - the Dr doesn't think I have lymes disease but he said anyone they think has Fibro should also be tested for Lymes as the symptoms can overlap - he is a very thorough Dr thankfully. so thats why there is no rush as he is only ticking the boxes but thankful all the same.

I do have an underactive thryoid but my results which I have regulary every 6 months show that I am at the best end of the range nearer the overactive than the underacive if you know what I mean and he also did the T3 test last time to check I am converting the thyroxine that I take but still waiting for the result on that one as it takes weeks to come back.
I have to say that I still have symptoms of underacitve thyroid in almost improssible to lose weight and I am very overweight and have been since thryroid went wrong 20 yrs ago plus lost outer edge of eyebrows and very dry skin but as all my tests are fine not much to do - Dr did say that most people will not lose all symptoms of underactive because the tablets work well but are not a complete replacement of everything your thyroid produces naturally which makes sense.

I also had a test recently to check that my anxiety symptoms like racing heart ( mostly in medical situations) are not due to producing too much adrenaline due to adrenal tumour and I did 24hr urine test and it was normal phew. This is extremely rare so again he was just being very thorough- he said I just have a terror of anything medical and I am obviously someone whose emotions come out physically - yep!