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View Full Version : HELP in the middle of full blown panic attack

23-06-10, 00:57
For months or even years I have had aches and pains but they are to the point right now that I am sure that I am dying. I know not to google but I am having wide spread and worsening joint and muscle pain all over my body. I can barely walk and I am off the deep end with panic. My heart won't stop racing and I am so scared. I just know this is liver or kidney failure or a tumor somewhere. I am not over weight and I had a physical 8 months ago with bloodwork but this pain everywhere is tooooo much. I have had some dizziness, tinnitis and hoarseness but the pain is what is more than my HA consumed mind can handle. It hurts to type and my forearms are tired from just pushing the keys. Someone who is rational please tell me this isn't kidney or liver failure or lymphoma or someelse horrible. I can't take it anymore. I am so sad and tired of fighting this.

23-06-10, 02:07
hi j2,
anxiety can make you so tense that it hurts your muscles and joints. in my case, i noticed lately that when i'm anxious, i tend to tense up my left shoulder and by end of the day, my shoulder, including my arms and nect, hurts and feels weak. before knowing this, i thought it was something else - i thought i was about to have a heart attack or a stroke.

i'm not a doctor but what you are feeling doesn't seem to be connected to kidney or liver desease or lymphoma because i used to worry that i might have those deseases. my doctor explained to me the symptoms associated with those desease and they are not the symptoms that i felt. i decided to have an executive check up and thankfully, i don't have those deseases.

dizziness and tinnitus -- i had them too. they went away during the course of AD medication. i think they are common among people with anxiety. my hoarseness is caused by my post-nasal-drip.

i hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. don't go through this alone, j2. have you seen a doctor?

23-06-10, 02:50
I think about going to a doctor multiple times a day but hate going because I am afraid of what they might say and I also feel like I am wasting their time. I wish I could get over this pain. I can't calm down. My feet are killing me and I am "sure" this is something horrible. I haven't done anything to make them hurt this bad. My elbows ache, my hands ache, my back hurts. This is breaking me down.