View Full Version : Kalms

23-06-10, 02:58
Do they help?
I have a problem with swallowing tablets but I don't think you can break them up, I bought them when my anxiety was at a high and I could never take one, ugh...

23-06-10, 03:29
I here some people have found them useful and others not so useful, I found Valerian capsules from holland and barret useful (valerian is an ingredient of kalms) thoguh they are capsules and a bit smelly, but you can get valerian in tea form. do be sure to check with your pharmacist before taking them alongside any other meds you might be on though.

23-06-10, 04:58
Danath is right! Valerian are useful in relieving stress and anxiety but this depends on how severe the anxiety is. Its always best to check with your gp before attempting to treat yourself and making him/her aware of your situation. Kalms are also quite good but again, only for treating mild cases. At one time health shops used to have a list of remedies with suggestions of what they could treat but I think these have now been banned.

24-06-10, 16:13
Camomile tea is also a excellent calming method, with or without other things like spearmint or lemon, it is great for calming a nervy tum!