View Full Version : Hallucinations at night

23-06-10, 08:43
For as long as i can remember i've had hallucinations at night ( so it has nothing to do with any meds i'm currently on )

As far as i'm aware , i'll be fully asleep and i'll open my eyes and see something , over the years it's ranged from seeing my cats on the ceiling , seeing my bed breakaway into the ocean , seeing a man in a gasmask in my room , while i'm away in places ( different hotels etc ) i've seen different things , an old woman in one hotel , a man in another , i've seen blue lights going round my room , i've seen jesus' face in my wall ( ?!?!?!?!? ) to as recent as last night , when i was 'woken up' by two children in my room . When this happens i usually get up , so for example last night i ran out of my room screaming , ran into my mum and crouched down by her bed and told her that i had just seen children , it wasn't until i was done explaining that i became aware of what i was doing ... like i hadn't actually woken up until that point , yet when i was going through the experience it's 100% real and i see things vividly ... weird

Now i'd like to believe i have some incredible psychic gift but the reality is i'm either absolutely nuts or i have some sleep condition ? Does it link in with my stress / anxiety ?! I'm a little scared to google because i don't want to convince myself i have a disease so i was just wondering if any one has ever experienced the same ? Or if anyone has any idea what it might be ?

23-06-10, 09:42
It might be something to do with sleep walking. I used to have crazy dreams and run out of my room. Once I was trying really hard to get into the living room, but couldnt manage to open the door. My dad came downstairs to talk to me and I started to become fully conscious at that point and realised it was a dream.
Luckily those dreams stopped for me as I got older.
It sounds to me like one of the sleep cycles your brain gets into makes you a bit more awake than you should be. I would do some research on the different cycles and see if you can pin point it to those.
I wouldnt worry that youre going nuts. These attacks would happen in the day time aswell, so I can say with 99% certainty its something to do with dreaming.

23-06-10, 09:57

boy am i glad i found you.....:)
i have EXACTLY the same thing, and have done for many years, and until now, havent met anyone else with the same thing. I see people in my room, coming to kill me /and or rob the house, i have had people coming through the ceiling, climbing in the windows, my bedroom wall has collapsed, have had mice/ spiders running all over the bed, secruity type spy camera coming through secret hatches in wall/ceiling watching me, men with fishing rods putting their fishing rods through the ceiling trying to take stuff from my room!!!!!!! :ohmy:, there are many more but you get the picture...

now for the explaination....i have spoken it over with my consultant quite a few times, and this is how it was explained to me.
It is called hypnogogic/hypnopompic state, and it is the transition between wakefulness to sleep, or sleep to wakefulness, , they can be visual,( and oh boy are they visual) or auditory, and i think some people can smell things too, that are just not there. they are very vivid and disturbing, and very confusing, because your logical mind knows that it cant be true, but you are seeing it with your own eyes!!!!
I usually get it at night , but have had it in the daytime if i have gone for a nap, i have battered my poor husband, punching and kicking him, thinking that he is one of the intruders, waking up screaming etc, this can happen at most a couple of times a week, but not all are as vivid as the ones i have just described.My poor wee heart is pounding out of my chest, its a horrible experience, but i am assured perfectly normal and harmless.
I have laughed with my family at some of the ridiculous scenerios that come up, but it aint funny at the time.
I am so glad i have found someone who has experienced the same thing, i did think at one point that there was something seriously wrong though... the brain... what a peculiar organ at times :doh:...

P x

23-06-10, 11:47
How did you feel when you sew Jesus.

If this was happening I would ask Jesus to be the only one to come to me.

I would ask him to be there in the fear and bring peace.

24-07-12, 12:20
I thought I'd bump this thread because it's exactly what i'm experiencing at the moment and I guess i'm looking for more reassurance! When I was pregnant with child 1 (2007-08) I started getting this images when I was falling to sleep, very random things like a rugby shirt! (I am welsh mind!) or a spider, or lovely intricate patterns! Very clear. I've never been scared, I don't know why. I know they are not real when I get them. I had a brain scan in 2006 after convincing myself of you know what for several years which came back fine, so I think when i started having them I dismissed them as anything serious. Now, I've had them no and again since then but over the last few weeks i'm getting them pretty much every night. Normally only one. Last night it was a green spider hanging from a baby mobile from my curtain (!) but the night before it was a black netted skirt on the top of my headboard (!!?) I'm trying not to worry because i've had them on and off for about 4/5 years but it would be nice to know if anyone else experiences them? My anxiety isn't great at the moment, but I'm no where near as bad as I have been. Any ideas/thoughts welcome! Hope it's as sunny where you are! L x

24-07-12, 16:53
This has only ever happened to me once earlier this year when I was highly anxious and it was the scariest feeling ever. You feel so out of control and no matter how hard you try you can't snap yourself out of it.

I woke up in the early hours convinced I'd killed somebody. I have no idea what I'd been dreaming about but I jumped out of bed in a panic wondering how the hell I was going to get away with it. I remember waking up my partner telling him 'they' were coming for me and we needed to find/hide the weapon or I would be going to prison :ohmy:. I felt like I had lost the plot but in my mind I knew it had to be a dream yet it felt so real. Within minutes I had snapped out of it but I didn't sleep for days afterwards because that feeling of being out of control scared me.

Thankfully I haven't had one since but I really do sympthise with you. They can be very disturbing. xx

24-07-12, 22:35
I don't get scared with them, i just wake up usually calm with the image in front of me. Incredible what the brain can produce really, the images are sooo intricate! Beautiful on times! Anyone else?

25-07-12, 02:00
If the events are occurring in near proximity to falling asleep, then they are termed hypnogogic hallucinations and if they arise during the moments of twilight sleep before fully awakening, then they are known as hypnopompic hallucinations.

Regardless, they are actually non-pathological and quite common. Most persons who usually experience the phenomenon historically have poor sleep architecture or are engaged in temporary circumstances that have restricted sleep or otherwise interfered with the normal sleep cycle. The phenomenon occurs because the individual is lucid during a point where the brain is still engaged in REM activity, producing a blend of dream state experiences with the real world and causing hallucinations to form.

Again, the experiences in of themselves are not suggestive of underlying pathology.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

25-07-12, 03:34
Hi Andromeda.

What you are experiencing is something highly spiritual and has nothing to do with your mental state, anxiety or hallucinations.

I spent many years with similar experiences and once i got involved in a meditation group and read some books and got in touch with my intuitive self, i realised exactly what i was seeing. You have a gift. I know it doesn't seem like it and ghostly experiences make people feel like they are nuts due to the fact that you have no evidence and you will always question things that aren't approved by science! The more you become ok with it and accept that it is nothing physical, the sooner it will ease.
Perhaps get some books such as those written by Lisa Williams and ask God or whoever you percieve as the higher being, to make it stop because you don't like it and it makes your anxiety bad. This is what i did and i can tell you that i haven't seen anything for a very long time!

Kel x