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View Full Version : DIAZEPAM 2mg - Addiction advice please x

23-06-10, 12:06
Cutting a long story short, I am curently taking 15mg of Mirtazipine each night, dose having been reduced from 30mg (i wanted doc to reduce as higher dosage seemed to make me worse). 2 weeks into this I have started feeling anxious again, I have been prescribed 2mg of Diazepam (originally up to 3 times a day, now 1 time a day). This really helps take the edge off my anxiety and enables me to go work etc. I am hoping this recent anxiety is down to the reduction in dosage of the Mirt and hoping it will get better in a few days.

My question is if I had to take 2mg of Diazepam every day for say the next 6 weeks (getting married & honeymoon) would this be classed as long term and what are the risks of addiction. I do feel its really helping so want to carry on with it but is it a catch 22??

Any help/advice would be so greatly appreciated
S.x :unsure:

jaded jean
23-06-10, 12:53
Hi smb
I was on 2mg of diaz. for about 4 weeks . and did this 3 times so three months periodically. With the cutdown of mirt as well I would say that was something to do with the anxiety . if you want to stop the diaz just break the tablet in half so you are taking 1mg. but you are still having it in your system. I too was worried about getting addicted but as you are on a small dose there should not be a problem. I did that and when I finished I felt a lot better after three days.

Keep strong.Jean

23-06-10, 13:04
Thanks for your reply,

So scared of doing wrong for right! especially after reading so many addictive comments on here, but really feel I need it at the moment.

I guess the doc wouldn't have let me have them for that length of time, though she did reduce form 3 times a day to 1.

Hoping I feel better real soon
S. x

23-06-10, 13:39
yes it can be addictive. but on the amount your on just tayper off when you feel better . i was on 30 mg a day 4 years ago messed me up so bad .but dont take them now you will be fine

24-06-10, 21:40
Dear smb25 I have withdrawn from mirtazapine successfully twice and the second time I asked for diazepan to help with the transition. As you say 2mg was enough to take the edge off the anxiety which was dreadful. It worked and I managed to be off them in two weeks. I dont think that you will become addicted to them in such a short space of time. If you are allowed one a day then only take it if you need it. If you find after two weeks that your anxiety increases or your mood dips then you might have to go back on the mirtazapine. I hope it works out for you.

24-06-10, 23:33
I would try and avoid taking it every day, but I would'nt have thought the doctor would prescribe it for long enough to become addictive, for exactly that reason. 2mg is a fairly low dose though I think. Trust your doctor, keep a close relationship with him/her on your anxiety Treatment.

Panic Man
04-07-10, 14:20
SMB25 Please be very careful, I am on a cold turkey withdrawal after having 5mg up to 4 times a day for 5 months, I am going through hell and this is now week 9. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, I would not wish this pain and suffering on my worst enemy. My advice to you is to start tapering off NOW. Google the Ashton manual or get it here.... http://www.benzodocs.com/
Don't be too scared though, you are on a small dose and have not been on it long, you will be OK.
How did you get off them? Did you Cold Turkey like me and how long did it take for your withdrawals to go away after your last dose?