View Full Version : bursting into tears!!!!!!!

23-06-10, 13:19
:weep:for the past few days iv been bursting into tears,crying over nothings,i feel so low not wanting to do anything, daily chores ect ,not wanting to talk, and just smiling seems a task,nothing i do makes me happy,im just crying all the time and feel selfish, when there is always someone much worse off than myself,this upsets me to.iv suffered with H/A and depression for long yrs,but cant remember feeling this low in a long time,i just want to sit in and cry my eyes out,a freind called yest,when she went i got a txt saying i looked awfull and didnt seem myself,i txt her saying i was just under the weather,not wanting to go into details. i shoudnt feel like this as iv a lovely husband and family.last yr he bought me a car,but cant pick the phone up and book lessons,the thought of it dosent make me happy,we bought a georgeous show dog mths ago, as its always been a passion of mine to show,but im that low i cant make arrangements to get her into classes,and because i cant get motivated,its realy making me ill,iv no heart in anything, and weary of crying ,im sorry to rant on,i just need an ear and a shoulder today.x:weep:

23-06-10, 13:32
You sound just like me, nothing seems to make me happy anymore, there's nothing that I like enough to carry out all the way through, I seem to lost the lust for anything, I'm hoping it comes back because I miss not having something to enjoy doing.

24-06-10, 10:04
You sound just like me, nothing seems to make me happy anymore, there's nothing that I like enough to carry out all the way through, I seem to lost the lust for anything, I'm hoping it comes back because I miss not having something to enjoy doing.
:) Thanks for the reply yust a few words help in giving some comfort and yours have,i hope today will be a better one,although i have had a burst of tears early this morning,its rotten being down and feeling you cant pick up none of us want this,but at least we have king people who understand on here,thanks again.xx

24-06-10, 10:09
I go through episodes of this all the time, right now is one of them...I just feel like Im sso down because of anxiety I dont feel like doing anything aand I cant concentrate on work at all :( Im sorry youre going through this.....hang in there though
:)sorry its a day late,but thankyou for taking time to reply,im a tod better today,but have had a weep,i hope as the days go on ill be feeling alot easier and hope you do to.kind words make alot of diffrence when one is down in the dumps,yours have,so kind thankyou.xx