View Full Version : what vision problems do people get?

23-06-10, 13:31
Im worrying my self sick about going blind or tumour or some thing wrong with my brain!

I get :


Black/red/clear/ Lights in my eyes

zig zagged shapes appear

As if my eyes are flashing

in bright light I get all these little lights flashing loads!

And lately this is the one that's terrifying me! at night im in a dark room but the bed room doors open so light is shining in! If I move my arm ill see the shadow off my arm in slow motion!

I only had my eyes tested at the start of the year due to flashing lights! Do you think this is something serious?

Does any one else get any thing like this! I in such a panic at the moment doesn't help Im always looking for i :(

Thanks xx

23-06-10, 13:35
All those and a fleeting vision prob where my vision flickers for a sec, all nerves hunni take care

23-06-10, 14:23
Zig zag lights have happened to me.. Either silent migraine, anxiety or moving from one type of light to another can cause that.
Floaters , yes, another anxiety symptom but I also get them if my eyes are dry, gritty or tired.

30-06-10, 13:36
I get floaters, a very twitchy eyelid and focusing problems.

I have about 10+ floaters which are driving me up the wall at the moment. It's so irritating seeing those things whoosh past when you're trying to read something on a computer screen. I keep seeing little puffs of 'smoke' rising up into me vision...I can't STAND it. I must say that in my experience so far it does seem to be linked to my anxiety. I had a phase recently where my anxiety settled down and the floaters settled a bit too but now I'm going through an anxious period the little blighters are back...whizzing about driving me CRAZY!

My doctor and the specialist at the eye hospital told me that floaters are not related to anxiety but are harmless pieces of debris (tiny pieces from within the eye which have come away).

30-06-10, 13:48
Hi there

Floaters used to drive me mad but I don't notice them much these days unless I'm really stressed. I also get zig zag lights, but for me they are most definitely linked with migraine.

I think I know what you mean about the flickering as well - if this is when you move from a dark room into a light one, it's your eyes adjusting to the light, but because you're anxious you're hyper-aware of it.

All these sound like stress-related things to me - I've had most of them for years and I'm still alive!

30-06-10, 13:59
Hi im new.

Ive had anxiety now for the past nine months since my youngest was born and every week or so i find a new thing to be anxious about and this weeks its floaters! i had never noticed them before but i noticed them last week when out for a walk on a bright sunny day. i looked at the sky and there they were. now whenevr i am anxious i see them and then i focus on them and see them even more. i too fret that im going blind, infact yesterday i was very panicky but today i feel so much btter im now not worried about them. they are very common especially in short sighted people which i am. i panic that my retina is detaching because i stupidly looked it up ong goolge which i will never do again but im told this is very rare and as it comes and goes with my anxiety i believe thats what makes me notice it, nothing serious. it is very annoying though. x

30-06-10, 14:02
I think this was what freaked me out about floaters initially - I knew that my dad had a detached retina, and assumed that I was developing it too. I wasn't, needless to say!

30-06-10, 19:53
Hi there, Yep I get them all too but they are caused by really tight neck muscles which are affecting the muscles around the eyes too so please dont worry!!!

30-06-10, 21:44
all of the above,and visual snow

02-07-10, 15:23
Wow, where did you hear about neck muscles causing floaters? I have Repetitive Strain Injury in my neck so maybe that could explain mine?

02-07-10, 15:40
hi leeann,

the fact you have had an eye test pretty much rules out anything naughty, it does sound more neuro than eyes like maybe migraine.
i would ask your doc for a scan or maybe migraine prevent pills.
i lift weights & get floaters all the time & im told by my optician that this is perfectly normal.
godd luck & try not to worry to much

jaded jean
02-07-10, 15:42
I see little blue flashes at first I had foggy vision, now little pin prick lights. I thought I was seeing orbs!!!!!!!!!!!:ohmy::ohmy:

06-07-10, 15:03
I get this weird shimmery/heat haze effect in my peripheral vision...it goes away as soon as I try and look at it though.

I have visual snow
spells of persistent migrainous aura
and a loooooong history of classical migraines w/aura ;(

06-07-10, 17:31
are these symptoms more or less constant(every day)with some people?

06-07-10, 17:34
yeah. for me, the snow is always there to some degree. the auras come and go..last from anywhere to a few days to a few weeks.

and actual migraines...hmmm..no consistency to those...I went 14 months with no attacks..but lately they seem to come once every three months or so.

but yeah, long history of them...had them a lot when I was younger.

06-07-10, 19:31
Yes, if you are blind, you can go to your local vision centers to get an eye exam, you can choose the color you want contact, they also paint for those who just want to contact their looks.

07-07-10, 13:51
I get this weird shimmery/heat haze effect in my peripheral vision...it goes away as soon as I try and look at it though.

I have visual snow
spells of persistent migrainous aura
and a loooooong history of classical migraines w/aura ;(

I get the heat haze effect as well!

I get these problems with my eyes on a daily basis horrible things!

Thanks for all the replies Nice to know you aint alone x

07-07-10, 14:20
i have thought about this ,and i think anxiety hightens all our senses ,so many have eye problems but eyes are fine ,also ear the same and taste we get bad tastes sore mouths and throats ,i believe our senses get out of control when we suffer with anxiety

08-07-10, 07:45
i have thought about this ,and i think anxiety hightens all our senses ,so many have eye problems but eyes are fine ,also ear the same and taste we get bad tastes sore mouths and throats ,i believe our senses get out of control when we suffer with anxiety

Totally agree with you! x

08-07-10, 09:57
does anyone notice the visual snow is more prominent at night,like in bed on a night.

08-07-10, 13:17
I get all of these worse when anxious and when the muscles in my neck & shoulders are tight viscouis circle this may be helpful in explaining http://www.round-earth.com/HeadPainIntro.htmlxplaining

Rachel W
10-07-10, 01:40
I just found this old thread and I have been getting a lot of visual issues too. I have always been able to focus on objects only about 4 in away from my eyes, but have been using the computer to read a lot over the last year and realise that I can't focus closer than about 8 in now. I am 39, but this change is quite sudden and my eyes feel strained so I wonder whether eye tiredness could be the reason rather than just the aging process and perhaps it could improve a little?


Rachel W
14-07-10, 00:37
Can anyone look at the question I had above?


24-07-10, 21:38
hi all, i get

visual snow
optic migraines, without headaches
little sparkles or little dots that weave and flash in and out or vision, much worse when looking at bright things of if its a bright day
heat wave sensation thingy
foggy, smokey vision
pixelated vision
........think thats it, had countless pr eye test, seen neuros and all come over with nothing other then harmless white spots at back of eye? xx

24-07-10, 23:08
I have had zig zag 'worms' in my eyes which last for 20 minutes. Migraine Aura that is. Only had it in pregnancy though, hormones!

I regularly get floaters - absolutely loads of them in both eyes.

I also recently get sparks in my vision. I'm not sure what this is and I have worried a bit about it but generally speaking they don't bother me too much. I don't have to be doing anything to get them either. I can be sitting still and I get a small spark in my eye. I can even have my eyes closed and see one!

I used to get a wierd (and still do sometimes) feeling like I can't see properly out of my left eye. It's like the very left of my left eye goes blurry and I can just feel like there's someting there. It's hard to describe,but I've noticed it's when I'm hot.

25-07-10, 13:16
All of them, and more - reading this gives me considerable comfort

25-07-10, 14:07
i also get floaters, i have these little wiggle things that zip through my vision,the type u get when u look at the sky, drives me nuts !!!1

28-08-10, 23:57
About 3 months ago I had a couple of suspected migraines while I was particularly stressed at university (worrying over module marks and working through the night). Since then i've had a persistent aura and Leeann's 'arm shadow' thing.

I've also noticed that I've I've been particularly tense on the computer (for example playing a fast paced Real-Time-Strategy game) I'd feel a tingling feeling around my eyes. This tingling has happened in my life before, but back then it was very rare; it has only became frequent since this visual problem 3 months ago. I also have Repetitive Strain Injury.

I have tried to limit my computer usage especially on high-tension games as well as getting alot more sleep, but so far it hasn't changed much if it all. :weep:

I just hope that it can be cured with trying to relieve my stress. :weep:

30-08-10, 12:34
does anyone notice the visual snow is more prominent at night,like in bed on a night.

I have noticed some mild visual snow, and it does seem worse at night.

12-12-10, 18:40
The nights are horrible when it comes to these symptoms. Glad I have you guys to help me through em :shades:

12-12-10, 19:10
I get flickering images and sometimes loss of some part of the field. Mine are all migraine symptoms. I then know not to drive.

12-12-10, 19:12
I get floaters.


13-12-10, 00:51
Im worrying my self sick about going blind or tumour or some thing wrong with my brain!

I get :


Black/red/clear/ Lights in my eyes

zig zagged shapes appear

As if my eyes are flashing

in bright light I get all these little lights flashing loads!

And lately this is the one that's terrifying me! at night im in a dark room but the bed room doors open so light is shining in! If I move my arm ill see the shadow off my arm in slow motion!

I only had my eyes tested at the start of the year due to flashing lights! Do you think this is something serious?

Does any one else get any thing like this! I in such a panic at the moment doesn't help Im always looking for i :(

Thanks xx

I get floaters, flashes, squiggly lines out of the corner of my eyes.. the most scary for me was when I was sitting in the Bedroom and the whole room started to sway side to side. It was as if it was my eyes moving but it wasn't. Doc said I had Labrynthitis, but I have not had it before nor has it occurred again..

My husband has social anxiety and depression (Has had panic attacks in the past) and see's a psychiatrist and therapist and his eyes wiggle back and fourth at times. Here is the thing, when it happens he does not panic or freak out, if that was me I'd be in the ER.

02-01-12, 02:49
does anybody else get "starbursts" around car headlights along with the heat haze?

I see the have when I look off into the distance on a sunny day sometimes (I know it isnt realy heat haze because its freezing at the moment). It started happening recently and has really freaked me out..

Also, I have had floaters on and off for about 3,4 years now but recently I have been noticing them a lot more when I am inside a dark room etc. and I scan my eyes across a light source - i.e a window and they appear like a "white line" moving accros my vision. anyone else get this ? ( I know it is a floater as it moves in the same way as when I look up in the sky).

04-01-12, 17:54

I always get that flashing too, especially when I'm looking down (like somebodys taking pictures of me from a distance)

Also I ine or both of my eyes go misty like....odd....