View Full Version : Muscle twitches

23-06-10, 17:47
Hi all,
Just looking for a bit of advice for the past 2 days been getting twitches in my right leg and foot , its really random and moves about a lot , im trying not to google it as i know mnd will come up and it will just scare me even more. Just wondering if anyone has had this , how long they have lasted for or if the doctor has given any explanation for them rather than mnd or the usual anxiety, oh and if it is something i should be worried about and should i see the doctor i do have spinal arthritis and disc problems so not sure if this would have anything to do with it as well xx

24-06-10, 10:59
DOes anyone have any advice on this as its still going on and im freaking out a bit well a lot now really :((

24-06-10, 11:43
Hi again Kittykat

Are you sleeping OK? I get lots of odd twitches when I'm really tired, and I hate to say it also gets worse when the old hormones are playing up. The ones that really drive me mad are when I get them in my face as I always think that other people can see them and will think I've got Tourettes!

24-06-10, 11:55
Hi from me again,

I never sleep great always disturbed and broken, i dont really notice the twitches when im doing stuff its more when im sitting quiet , its just so annoying as they keep moving about my right leg, hubby says he can't see them and tells me to shut up about it but i can definately feel them so not much support from that area i just get scared of mnd as ive had loads of back probs and that is always in the back of my mind as i know that muscle twitching is the main symptom. Its going to be one of those weekends coming up and its only Thursday.

24-06-10, 11:55
Hi Kittykat,

I had an eyelid twitch coupled with other muscle twitches that seemed to move about. One in my arm (tricep) then under my right boob near my diaphram. They fluttered... that's the only way I can really describe it. They have disappeared since I started taking citalopram so I think they really were tied into feeling stressed, anxious and depressed. I'm also taking anithistamines for hayfever so I can't help but feel really chilled out at the moment. Also I'm getting loads more sleep so I do agree tiredness could be a factor. Also, when stressed or anxious I think we almost become hyper-aware. We probably twitch a lot more than we realise anyway but when we're busy or otherwise preoccupied, we barely notice it. It might just be that, but if it continues to bother you, you could mention it to your doc the next time you go.

All the best,


24-06-10, 12:51
Hello KittyKat,

Ive had twitching in my calf muscles, always worse in my right for years, sometimes it gets that bad it feels like there is insects under my skin,
Initially I googled and i wish i never did because i had years of health anxiety issues.
Im now 100% sure its linked to muscle tension, and is the result of me relaxing even slightly, its always worse when i stop being so active.

Reasured, im 100% okay, i still feel myself tensing on occasions to stop it.
Yours Rachael. :flowers:

24-06-10, 16:23
I've had muscle twitching for 1 year now all over my body, convinced I had ALS but I'm only 19 and 1 year without weakness it cant be, sounds like BFS to me which seems anxiety releated.

24-06-10, 17:25
Thanks guys, what do people mean by muscle weaknesss as sometimes my muscles feel weak but i can still walk and push with them, lift things etc x

24-06-10, 18:07
As in cant walk, lift up a cup ect.