View Full Version : Urinary infection/prostate?

23-06-10, 19:55
Hi, I'm looking for some assurance really as I've had a real panic about whta is really a minor symptom. Yetserday, I needed to pass water and had what I can only describe as a dull itch just inside my tract. It went away almost as soon as I had been to the toilet but it kind of worried me. This morning I had a similar feeling but sort of around my prostate area, which again went away once I'd been to the loo. This really freaked me and I began drinking lots of water (about 2l). Obviously this made me go to the loo loads this afternoon and the discomfort had pretty much gone. But about an hour ago I had a slight twinge in the same area again and I'm getting really scared that it could be early signs of prostate cancer. I've heard that men rarely get water infections and this is on my mind.

I guess it could be that I'm dehydrated (tend to drink a fair bit of decaf coffee) but I'm really worried that it could be something dangerous. I can't say that it's a painful feeling, rather very uncomfortable. I've had no discharge, blood loss, waking in the night or bad pain and I can confirm that it's not an STD. Any words of advice/support would be very welcome.


23-06-10, 22:16
I dont own one of them there prostate glands, but I do suffer with a lot of bladder infections.
They range from having wierd twinges, to burning to scratching feelings depening on which bit of skin is pi**ed off.
Drinking plenty of fluid will flush out any bacteria that is in the urinary tract, so you did the right thing.
And i think the prostate will make you pee very often even when theres not much to urinate if its inflamed.
If youre still getting the twinge tomorrow buy some cranberry juice and try drinking that for a day. It stops bacteria lining the bladder wall.
If youre still getting problems in 48 hours then go into your GP and ask for a sample bottle. They can test the urine there and then and tell you if theres anything odd going on.
Hope this helps and sorry I cant give you opinions from a male perspective

24-06-10, 19:17

Well, I went to the doctors today and my GP asked me for water samples(sorry for being so graphic) as she said it sounded like a water infection. She said prostate problems present in a different way which put my mind at ease a bit but I'm still aching a bit around the prostate area as well as my lower back.

Has anyone had any knowledge of anxiety or stress causing an infection? It sounds like a ludicrous idea to me which is why I'm still worrying about this. Please, if anyone can offer any rational words, I could really use them now.