View Full Version : I am so scared

Dissolved girl
23-06-10, 19:59
Hi everyone

I am sat here totally scared to death. I came home from work early because i started panicking in work.
I was sat at my desk feeling fuzzy headed, faint, sick, shaking. All the usual crap.
I went home and being on my own my head started going crazy and i was writhing around in bed panicking, gagging, crying, shaking and planning my suicide.

I'm not gonna tell you the whole story as it's too long but basically i had my worst panic attack whilst at the dentist. This developed into some screwed up phobia of my own teeth.
Lately i have been doing well. I have been telling myself my teeth/phobia has nothing to do with my panic attacks. I have been feeling very much less anxious trying to dissasociate my stupid thoughts from panic attacks and then today this happens.
I feel like everything i have done to get better is undone and now i'm back to being how i was before.
I don't know what started it today. Think i had a slight toothache and it started everything i had been drinking the night before. I know that contributes to anxiety big time.

What should i do? I never expected the attacks to go away but why after trying to condition myself into thinking another way did my brain start thinking of my original fears?

I'm so frightened. How much more can i do for myself???
I just wanna stop being afraid of the dentist/toothache.

Please help

Vanilla Sky
23-06-10, 20:34
I hate the dentist too , but i still go every 6 months . Like you i once had a panic attack in the dentists chair :blush: But i am not going to let my teeth go just because of that . Wear an MP3 player when you go , just tell the dentist your wearing it to distract yourself because you are nervous, they have heard it all , do you actually know anyone that LIKES going to the dentist ? Well i dont ! Don't let anxiety ruin your teeth , because that means its won . Make an appointment and just go , take someone with you for reassurance , and once its all over with you will be so relieved and it will get easier each time :)
Good luck ! Paige x

23-06-10, 20:52
Could you go and see your GP about it? My sister has a massive phobia about dentists and when she could no longer take the pain from an abscess ahe went to see her GP who referred her to a dentist that are trained to deal with the problem and are able to give you a smal dose of a sedative or some are trained in hypnotherapy. I hope you are feeling better, it sounds like you had a really nasty panic attack, dont let it get you down though, everyone has blips now and again. Take care x

Dissolved girl
24-06-10, 18:55
Thank you for your advice Paige and Mary.
I really was doing so well.
I know my brain has attributed one traumatic experience to having panic attacks. I just wish i could disasociate the two from each other.

I am going to make myself go for a dental appointment soon because i don't want this thing to beat me but i am so frightened.
Even if i get toothache i panic.
I can't stand it. I just wish i could stop panicking over my teeth :weep: