View Full Version : Please help im in a complete panic

23-06-10, 21:19
Im sorry to bother you all... im in a complete state of panic.

When I was 14 I took 12 paracetomol 2x within a week of each other. I was being bullied from all angles it was a horrible time, but I wasnt sick nor did i go to the docs or the hospital because i was so ashamed.

Im now 29 and have had a mutlitude of blood tests done due to high blood pressure issues (know thought to be caused by anxiey) infections etc.

Would any of these tests picked up if i had liver damage

After seeing so much joy on my little boys face over the past couple of days, im so frigtened of dying so prematurely and not being able to watch him grow up, im so upset I cant eat, well you all know the drill :(

Workplace Doctors
23-06-10, 22:37
Dear Jakkiw2,

Liver damage may become apparent 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. Children under the age of 16 usually seem to fare better after paracetamol poisoning, perhaps due to a greater capacity to conjugate with sulfate, enhanced detoxification of NABQI or greater glutathione stores.

As you are having blood tests done, this will not show the extent of any damage IF ANY at all, working within the occupational health industry we do take blood samples off our doctors for testing for various diseases or indeed if the a carriers of and infectious diseases.

Any problems resulting in your particular situation when you were 14 would have been picked up when you were pregnant with your little boy.

In my opinion there is nothing to worry about, however please get an opinion from your local healthcare professional and ask for a Liver Function test to put your mind at ease.

All the best,

www.workplacedoctors.co.uk (http://www.workplacedoctors.co.uk)

24-06-10, 16:53
Thank you very much for your reply. I went to my doctors today and he has told me that due to several issues that i had, he had checked my liver (liver function test etc etc, and all is fine...

Its a lesson to be learned and I can finally close the book on it, thank goodness for that .

Workplace Doctors
24-06-10, 21:26
Dear Jakkiw2,

You are most welcome.

I am glad the information was useful to you and that indeed you have been able to close the book on the issue as it no longer raises any concerns.

If you require anything else please do not hesitate to contact me.

25-06-10, 00:16
Hi Jakkiw2,
Please dont be sorry to bother anyone. Everyone is seeking help and support here.
Waseem has provided a comprehesive answer to your immediate question but have you ever had any help for what happened to you in the past.

This stuff can be so horrible that we lock it up inside but it can have a habit of creeping into our current lives.
You had no reason to be ashamed you were just a child desperate for some release from the pain. I hope perhaps with some help from here, through your GP or counselling that you can get some of the bad stuff out and feel better about the future. You may have already made a start by talking about it.

Best wishes

25-06-10, 00:23
ahhhhh, theres nothing more calming than complete closure!
i agree with siram tho, maybe its time to face what got you there?
take care my friend

26-06-10, 20:07
Thank you all for your comments.

I spoke to my Doc about my problem the other day and he has refered me to a mental health professional, so im hoping that ill eventually get my issues sorted...

He also put me back on citalopram, only a tiny wee dose though 10 mg as im also on propranolol for my anxiety.

I hate health anxiety, it eats into your life ruining the quality of it.....