View Full Version : Newby! Anxiety attacks at night

23-06-10, 23:58
Hi there,
I have been getting anxiety attacks during the night for about 6 months now and I have no idea why. They are so horrible. I usually wake up in a total panic and my whole body starts shaking, I feel sick and I get really bad palpitations. It can happen all through the night sometimes. The first time it happened I thought I was having a seizure or something.
It's just so hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it. I feel like they don't really understand how horrible it feels. I don't feel like myself anymore.. I'm always exhausted from lack of sleep and I seem to worry about everything now.
I'm hoping this forum will help me :)

24-06-10, 00:00
Hi sara123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-06-10, 01:01
Hi Sara

Night time panic is the pits!! People who haven't experienced it, cannot understand at all.

Do you always wake up or just sometimes? Anxiety and panic are exhausting anyway least of all when your sleep is interrupted. Do you do anything when you wake to try and take your mind off it? Crossword puzzles, listening to calming music or something like that?

I'm sure you'll find loads of help here, lots of people are in the same position as you. Me for instance!! Although mine is more that I can't go to bed until it's gone, and especially when it's humid 'cause I cannot get enough air and think I'm gonna die!! (Like tonight!!)

The long term solution to anxiety and panic is to accept what's happening and try not to get too upset by it (Dr Claire Weekes), the short term is to try and take your mind off of it.

Take care

24-06-10, 08:53
Hi there.
Mine started the same way! It is so scary because what makes it worse is that you feel more alone as everyone is asleep and you feel like you have no help! Just tell yourself that it isn't dangerous and it is just the 'usual routine' that you are expecting. Tell the panic that you don't really feel like doing it tonight and it might be better if it comes back in the morning or something! If you can learn to accept it and even welcome it when it arrives, the fear of symptoms almost dissolves immediately. :)

24-06-10, 16:11
Been where you are , in the recent past.

Have you sought professional medical help? I did . . . and I realize that for me, I could not have dealt with the anxiety without it.

My anxiety arose from long term exhaustion and "burnout", hadn't been sleeping properly in years, and doing too much, going too fast and not looking after myself. It got to the point where I would wake up at night panicked, drenched to the skin from perspiring, full of guilt / worry / anxiety / fear, with heart pounding and mind racing . . . .

After going to the doctor and getting medication, I am finally getting some decent rest at night, and managing my stress much more effectively, along with vigorous exercise as often as I can . . . .I am starting down the road to recovery.

My advice is, to talk things over with your doctor and engage friends and family who will listen.

Vanilla Sky
24-06-10, 22:33
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: paige x

28-06-10, 21:15
hi sara, i get the same thing.im always worst at night.suddenly wake up and have a panic attack and cant get back to sleep.ur not alone :)

05-07-10, 01:04
Thanks to everyone who has replied to me. It makes me feel better that I am not alone :)
Elspeth - It's not every night I wake up. It usually comes in phases. I can go a whole week with it every single night then it will disappear. I really don't know what triggers it. I know alcohol doesn't help though. When I get them I usually get up and walk around for a little bit which does help but it comes back as soon as I go back to bed. I just have to wait until I am so tired that I eventually fall asleep. I know what you mean as well about it being humid! I tend to sleep better if my windows are open and its colder. If it's too hot I just get myself in a flap! I hope you get better soon :)

Stomper1999 - Yes I have been to the doctor many times about it and in the past they just told me it would go away but it's been too long now so they have suggested either medication or maybe going to a therapist. I don't know what my anxiety arose from. I definitely wasn't stressed or suffering from exhaustion. It was just so random. They tend to be less frequent when I am busy. If I'm bored and don't have much going on then they will come back. I hope you get better soon :)

Going home
05-07-10, 01:43
Hi sara, you sound young but if you are older, say in your 40s then its common to feel like this at night because these are the years when your hormones go a bit haywire and this can cause anxiety and palpitations etc. It can happen mostly at night because the extra adrenaline that's also produced hasn't got anywhere to go, whereas during the day its being used up by activity.

I apologise if its not down to your age :)

Anna xxx

05-07-10, 15:49
hello, i totally understand how you feel as i used to wake up screaming in the night so frightened of the panic attack and in a state of confusion. i found that having something to occupy myself with (i know it sounds stupid but it works for me! i use plastecine and it takes my mind of panic attacks and works very well)

hope you are doing well x

06-07-10, 21:41
I'm only 20 but thanks for replying Anna :)