View Full Version : Do you get chest tightness?

24-06-10, 00:09
Past week or so I've been getting chest tightness which radiates to my jaw. It seems to come on after eating or drinking or if ive gone a while without food and is unrelated to mild exercise eg walking briskly. The episodes last between 5 mins - 1 hour, then I can be fine again for a few hours. The sensation is very uncomfortable but the pain isn't intense.

Do you get this type of chest tightness?

Could it be angina??

24-06-10, 17:31
Sounds more like acid reflux/indigestion to me if you get it after eating.

25-06-10, 13:17
yes i get this! please pm me

25-06-10, 14:48
Sounds more like acid reflux/indigestion to me if you get it after eating.

Well it definitely isn't related to exercise, in fact I played tennis yesterday and didn't feel a thing. But as soon as I get home and sit down it comes back.

I'm starting to think that it could be oesophageal spasms. The doctor has had me on an acid reducing stomach drug for 6 weeks but it's made the problems worse if anything.

Not sure where to go from here?