View Full Version : another newbie

24-06-10, 06:09
hi all,
im ozjeff , a 39 yo with a wonderful wife & 2 beatiful kids.
ive had anxiety issues all my life , but none top the last 5 months,
i was a heavy drinker ( self medicating ), but quit & walked into a wall of anxiety that has had me shaking ever since.
im also stuck with that heavy smoking / health anxiety catch 22, & unsurprisingly my main health fear is lung disease ( emphsema mainly )
everytime i think im getting there, something comes up like now i have my second chest infection this year & cant breathe & im packing it.
at the end of my last infection i told my ( good ) gp my fear, he listened to my chest for ages & said all clear & did a peak flow & blood tests as well , all good.
so with 20mg of lexapro & some cbt i started coming good, then i get this tightness & breathlessness & im back to sh*****g myself & feeling like my life is over, & those bloody goverment stop smoking ads on tv really set me off too. this sux.

24-06-10, 07:45
Howdy Jeff,:welcome:I to suffer anxiety and a smoker to boot,I used to drink also,but found the day after a binge my anxiety levels went through the roof,so I gave it up,those bloody ads suck I agree,every time I see one I light up,I don't know why.I am on Lexotan,which I have found to be very good and have had CBT which worked great,but still find days where I feel like crap,but all in all am doing ok.Don't worry to much about your chest infection try and do your breathing and visualisation it really helps.Take Care and hope you enjoy this site
Rhonda x

24-06-10, 09:27
Hi from me as well

I've seen this link with anxiety and drinking as well, and it seems to be pretty common. Must admit I don't drink much these days as it just gives me dreadful hangovers!


I can understand your concerns about the smoking thing though; I was completely put off it by my mother, who smoked like a chimney for years and eventually it did make her ill (however, she used to smoke 40-60 a day so I'm not surprised!)

Have you thought of trying nicotine gum or patches? My partner managed to give up using the gum about 2 1/2 years ago after having a lot of failed attempt using the cold turkey method.

good luck!

24-06-10, 23:58
thanks so much for the positive replies guys,:yesyes:
ronny, it looks like us aussies are taking over in in the anxiety stakes!
yep, the smoking is a viscious (?) circle, it makes me anxious so i smoke more!then those bloody ads come on with some young person ( ie my age)
all done for from it , that does not help! thank god for you lot!
blueangel, yeah, the drinking thing is a viscous ( theres that bloody word again) circle as well, anxiety=drink=hangover=worse anxiety= drink & so on, im having to learn to relax without a beer & its been hard.
its a slippery slope, in the end i needed 9 beers a night just so i cuold unwind ( over about 5 years it just built up)
ive beaten it, so smoking is next, gum & patches dont seem to do it anymore, so next im going to try champix.id need a rubber room to cold turkey:ohmy:

25-06-10, 05:13
Howdy Jeff.How are you,I just had a smoke or 2 and thought I'd pop into the forum to see whats happening.I am in QLD and today it is quite warm,have been outside enjoying the sun while it lasts.I have tried patches,gum,hypnosis and every other bloody thing but to no avail,I think I will go cold turkey,or have a wild turkey..lol I will need a padded cell.Enjoy your weekend.
Rhonda x:D

25-06-10, 06:53
howdy ronny,
up in the high country in nsw , its bloody cold & overcast.
i gave up using gum when i was 21 for a year, but now it just makes me want to spark up even more.:doh:
ive read allen carrs book & even though it makes perfect sense i just cant put it into action.
i know a lot of people who are using champix, & whilst it still takes some effort, there are no horror stories or even relapses yet ( some are long term, hard core smokers) . dr reckons you can take it & lexapro at the same time, so im keen! ( lights yet another lung lolly).
just want to get the keel balanced first.
wild turkey, mmmmmm, i know what id prefer too.
have a good weekend.