View Full Version : its coming back

24-06-10, 09:39
i have begun to notice that my symptoms are getting worse stoped sleeping stoped eating constaly on edge fell in adiquate all the time shakey irratble unable to cope with simple tasks

im getting ill agin and i dont no what to do to stop iit my vocies are becomeing uncontrolable in creas in thorts of sh and sucide

i spoke to my cpn about it and she was like " yr being dischrged " so im like what what do i do and she like " deal with it "

i mean who the hell is sopose to help if my cpn dosnt even care

meep x

24-06-10, 21:17
Hi Georga,

Try to eat, try to sleep, it will help you to cope better. I dont really know about cpn's or alike, but it doesnt seem like they are helping you much. Go back to your Dr as soon as and tell them you need more help. I dont know how to advise you about the voices, have you tried telling them to xxxx off. Dont lose hope, keep trying, wishing you some support. take care

27-06-10, 08:50
Hey Georga,

Don't know to much bout your situation but Andrews right you gotta eat and sleep. Maybe try and find some people who can send you a different message to your voices. there is always a way through it. Just wanted to drop some support hang in there.

27-06-10, 12:21
report her for a start get her out health care she is no good
then see your doctor tell him how you are
wish you better god bless