View Full Version : AAAHHH head lice :(

24-06-10, 10:35
It's horrible!! I caught them from my little cousins :( I have INSECTS IN MY HAIR!! My long beautiful curly hair! I panic a little bit whenever I think about it... which is whenever I itch... which is really often :(

I'm terrified they'll spread to other parts of my body.

Oh they're so itchy. I did an overnight treatment but now my Mum is away so she can't help me get them out, and besides we can't find the bloody nit comb.

So it's all very upsetting. And I found out I had them straight after I told my parents I'm bisexual. So it's not been a good 24 hours :(

24-06-10, 10:35
and I forgot to mention THEY ARE PARASITES!!! PARASITES FEEDING ON MY BODY!! ahhhgyyyyggg

24-06-10, 11:13
Oh no..head lice! They're a permanant fixture in our house. We call them visitors! They're are visiting at the moment. Spend a small fortune in lotions. Don't worry, they won't spread to other parts. I can never find a nit comb when I need one either..there must be at last five in the house somewhere, including one of those super nit/egg remover ones that cost me a tenner. If you have regular contact with school age children your likely to keep getting them. What I find works well to is always using the nit comb every time we wash our hair-loads of conditioner and run the comb through. That keeps them at bay. I haven't been too good this last month so I haven't been as vigilant so the little buggers are back. Try not to worry about it too much Lior, they won't actually harm you. They are just damned annoying. Nearly everyone's had them at some point. x

24-06-10, 11:26
My partner's two kids had them last year, which I have to say amused me slightly as his ex wife's quite posh and had a complete benny about it. Evil, I know.... :whistles:

They seem to be much more common than they used to be, and they're also quite resistant to insecticides these days. I gather the best stuff is the one that smothers them rather than poisoning them (yeuch)

24-06-10, 12:13
get some stuff for it thay be gone in no time

24-06-10, 13:19
Keep brushing your hair too! If you do get the odd nit from your cousins brushing your hair breaks their legs so they can't breed. They don't like hair dryers or hairspray/products etc either. Oh and they DEFINATLEY won't spread to other parts of your body! :)