View Full Version : shooting pains??!!

24-06-10, 14:59
Does anyone get shooting pains in spleen,back/neck/head etc? I am getting shooting pains in various parts of my body and it seems when i get these i dont feel well i.e mild sweats,nausea,foggy head,dizzy feeling and tired.I dont know what they are but i feel they are the reason i am not feeling well.Anyone else know what i mean?
I have had various tests, bloods, bowel endoscopy, chest x ray, pelvic scan etc and all are normal.

24-06-10, 15:21
Hi there
I would say that these are all pains due to anxiety. I get all sorts of pains, from pains in the head, pains in the chest, legs, dizzy, tired, you name it I've had it, but I usually put all these down to my anxiety and I now try not to let them worry me, hard I know but it does get easier. Are you on any meds?

Jannie x x

24-06-10, 15:25
I just take 10mg of amitriptiline at night.I went a few weeks without these pains and i felt alot better but it seems when i get them they make me not feel well again. I feel like i have got a mild infection constantly.

24-06-10, 15:37
This rings a bell from when I suffered really extreme anxiety about 20 years ago. I felt slightly unwell all the time, and had a list of symptoms that would probably have filled several sheets of A4 paper.

I certainly suffered from strange "flitting" pains and still get these now if I'm very stressed.

It certainly sounds like what I had, and I'm still here 20 years later! :D

Now I just worry about the ravages of time and how crap it will be to get old. :weep:

24-06-10, 15:39
I too often feel like that, I sometimes convince myself that I have a virus and that there really is something wrong with me! I am on citalopram 40mg and I am so much better than I was 8 months ago, but I still have days where I think I've got something awful. I try not to think too much about it though, and i try to keep my mind busy all the time so as not to dwell on it. I work full-time but I'm off for a few days but I'm going to do lots of things while I off work and hopefully keep my mind busy.

All the best to you
Jannie x x

24-06-10, 17:05
I cant help thinking i have something wrong because when i am not getting these shooting pains i feel loads better and have energy etc.I keep getting them in the side of my head/spleen/back/fingers but nothing shows on any test.I dont feel anxious or worried and i have had a lymph node up under my ear for months and i keep getting shooting pains near that as well.