View Full Version : Fear of undercooked chicken?

24-06-10, 17:52
Hey all :)

Its been a while since ive been around but something just sprung to my mind!

Basically, Ive been sick the last day and a half with a sick bug, though today ive been able to eat again. My dad just made dinner, those frozen chicken pies and veg, however when he got it out, the pastry under it clearly wasnt cooked so i said "Just give me the top and filling" as i knew i wouldnt eat much anyway. But When i tried the chicken, it didnt taste right, it didnt taste like nasty or anything just it wasnt right and it wasnt warm enough for me to think that its "piping" etc. And now im super worried im going to get food poisening!

I have this wierd thing with raw chicken, like if i prepare it i wash my hands about 3 times during the prep and then after. And I always over cook it to make sure its done and check it over loads. I think its my anxiety but now i cant shake the feeling that im gonna be sick again for the next few days. I hate being ill and its so hot at the moment it was horrible yesterday I dont want to go through it again!

Now i might have eaten bad chicken! (even though it was a tiny bit and the expiration was in date)#

My dad thinks it might have been because a month or so ago the freezer went a bit funny and some stuff defrosted a bit but it worked again shortly and we forgot about it. But im just sitting here with a heavy stomach (as its been all day) and im just worried now that im going to be ill. :(

24-06-10, 20:22
Hi. I think you thought the chicken tasted strange because you are recovering from the 'sickness bug'. I remember back in March everything tasted odd days after the norovirus bug. These bought pies are not made with raw chicken, they have been cooked and just to be heated through properly. You are still recovering from the 'bug' you had.

24-06-10, 21:31
Hiya, I am the same with raw chicken and fish (the washing hands) and have a thing about it even.

If you have just been sick for a few days, I can understand you feeling a bit scared and agree, taste bus go awry after a bug.

Pies do leave you feeling heavy, especially as your stomach is probably still tender.

24-06-10, 22:16

I wouldn't worry too much, the other week I was out at a buffet with a friend and she got a chicken dish and the chicken was completely raw in the middle, which she only noticed after having eaten half of it. She was absolutely mortified and so worried about getting sick, but was perfectly okay.

I think you are probably just still not feeling right from being ill the last few days.

Take care
Natalie x

24-06-10, 22:43
Yeah i feel fine now lol Eugh i just hate raw chicken!

I dont have a fear of being sick, or being ill i dunno im not sure what im worried about with it lol

Plus my dad said it and he said it was a bit funny and he was ok too so phew!

Thanks for the replies though i feel a bit stupid now lol

24-06-10, 23:30
im the same i wash my hands really well a few times after preparing raw chicken and it really freaks me out when i see other people not washing their hands well after handling raw chicken, anyway i've got concerned a few times after finding chicken not quite cooked properly after eating some of it and i've never become sick, i've also seen my friends eat really under cooked chicken at a bbq once and no-one got sick, i think its harder to get sick from it than you think it is, of course its better to be safe than sorry but no need to go overboard with it, i think its an anxiety thing just desperately not wanting to be physically ill on top of how we feel most of the time too.

24-06-10, 23:37
yeah im pretty guarded about chicken, I've come pretty close to scalding my hands after preparing chicken. Incidentally I've just gobbled a load of chicken that a bought from the deli counter at tescoes and have had a few paranoid thoughts about it, chiefly because I felt a little icky whilst picking at the chicken and have had an uncomfortable stomach straight after, I think this was perhaps because I had'nt eaten for about 10 and a half hours since I began to eat it though. But I digress, im rambling, :)

I think the chicken in frozen pies is pre cooked too hun.