View Full Version : Reassurance my first week on Citalopram

24-06-10, 18:14

I know there are many excellent posts here already re Citalopram but am four days into a 10 mg course and really struggling. I had to come off Mirtazapine as side effects were too much for me. Since starting Cit on Monday have felt nauseous, increasingly anxious and tearful and my lack of appetite is shocking. I'll counter that by saying I go a day or two not eating much then my body tells me to eat so I "pig out" on anything I can find. (On Mirtazapine I "pigged out" all the time-not neccessarily a good thing either I know).

I know they all have side effects but desperate for this one to work for me as am struggling to cope with life/work/usual crap at the moment. I keep telling myself it's only 10 mg shouldn't be so bad and I see my GP tomorrow so will discuss with him but any experiences from seasoned CIT users would be great.

On the plus side I got my first good nights sleep on them last night (well up to a point-woke up about 6am anxious as hell)

I know I probably just have to persevere with them-I don't really want to go much higher than 10 mg cos I've been on so much meds over the years and would eventually like to cope without them.


24-06-10, 19:32
I think you should be over the worst in a couple of weeks. You'll gradually start to feel better but mention anything that concerns you to your GP. It's important for them to be monitoring you while you adjust - especially from mirtazapine as it's a different class of AD to cit.

First adjust to the med, then you should find it a lot easier to increase later as side effects are rarely as bad as the initial start-up ones. 10mg is not considered a therapeutic dose but you never know, it may do the trick.

24-06-10, 20:00
Thanks Melancholia

I know deep down you are right-I think I'm panicking because despite the fact I couldn't live with the side effects Mirtazapine really helped me and people commented on how much better I seemed but I know the CIT will take time to kick in-also it being an SSRI as opposed to an SNRI has left me confused as to how much is down to withdrawal from one and going on to the other.

I am lucky to have a good GP and as you say will be guided by him-he is monitoring my situation closely and am sure things will get better.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and reassure me.