View Full Version : More son worries

24-06-10, 18:37
I am always worried about my son's health! I try not to show it in front of him, but this is hard. A couple days ago I noticed a bruise on his upper cheek. He says he has no idea how it got there and didn't really bother him. He is an accident-prone child, so I'm trying not to read too much into it. He also had an x-ray at the orthodontist last week, so if it was something of concern, don't you think it would have shown up on there? Then last night he was in bed and started complaining of a right-sided temporal headache. He said the left side hurt as well, but just a little. At the same time he complained of not being able to feel his right arm or toes. I gave him some Tylenol, rubbed his temple a little bit, and put him to bed. This morning he said it was a little bit better, but still hurt. He was outside in the sun a lot yesterday and his allergies were acting up, so this morning I had him do a nasal wash and a lot came out, and I gave him some Claritin, and sent him off to day camp!

In my sane mind, I am trying to convince myself that the bruise on his cheek is nothing and something would have shown up on the x-ray if there was something. Do you think I"m correct? Also, in my sane mind, I am trying to convince myself that the headache is either heat related or maybe sinus/allergy issues. What do you think? Just looking for some reassurance, I guess, as usual http://www.anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/shocked.gif)

24-06-10, 18:50
Oh I remember the terror whenever my son was ill and he was my responsibility as his mother not to miss anything - my health anxiety was as bad for him as it was for me. Like you I tried so hard not to show it but guess what he will know especially when he gets to teenage years.

The bruise is probably not related to his headache and sinus problems. My son had terrible hayfever so bad he got fevers and it lasted weeks through summe from age of 2. He is now 29 and only last few years that he isn't suffering as much as he used to. So bad hayfever could give him all the head pain you mention.

This isn't much help to you but I found that once my son had grown up and had a wife of his own I no longer feel he is my responsibility- yes I would worry horribly if he was ill and do if he is even now but as he does not live with us anymore I cannot know how he is health wise unless he chooses to tell me and one thing you will find if you don't hide your anxierty is that your son will not tell you anything about his health when he gets older to stop you fussing! I found it was being responsible for his health julst like I am responsible for mine that freaked me as I was terrified I would miss some health concern that if I had noticed would have stopped it being fatal- sounds mad but sure you will understand.

See how he is and if he is no better in a couple of days then do take him to Drs

How old is he??

24-06-10, 19:46
Thanks for your response. He's almost 8. I'm hoping the older he gets, the easier it will get for me. You're right though about feeling how his health is my responsibility, and I tend to overreact to just about everything when it comes to his health. My HA is much worse when it comes to him than my own health. I'm wondering if maybe the bruise is somehow from the orthodontic exam he had last week. Maybe the dr pressed too hard on something, I don't know.

heather xx
24-06-10, 20:57
im sure every mum is like you hun! i know i am with my girls every little thing they get it sends my ha into overdrive. Its the same with my husband if he gets ill im worrying and panicing more than he is. It shows you care. Im sure hes fine and try not to worry too much xx

24-06-10, 21:26
i can sympathise. i am also very worried about my sons health. he recently has complained of funny ailments, fuzzy vision, headaches, upset stomach, dizzyness. took him to the doctors who are not worried at all and say its probably all hormonal. i do worry and i dont like it. in fact in this last week i think its probably the worry of that that has made me feel so poorly myself.
sarah x