View Full Version : Fibromyalgia my story whats yours

24-06-10, 20:27
I am noticing more and more people posting with Fibro possible Fibro and I wondered how many of us believe it is connected to our psychological/Anxiety problems. In essence I am trying to find out if this is a mind/body condition and I am looking for the best way forward for treatment. The relationship with my Psychiatrist is diminishing because she does not believe it can be so PHYSICAL. grrrrrr

Here is my fibro tale.


Today is a typical day in fibroland. Found it hard to get up and go in bath with weakness. Accompanying anxiety. I have deep pain in my upper back with other pains in my chest with tooth pain too (going to dentist in am). I have to set alarms on my mobile to remember to take my medication and it is a bad day. My feelings of not coping are taking over.


2006: Chronic stomach pain, burning gnawing intense. Could not stand up with it. Ultrasound showed nothing. Backpain on slight activity, was later told that I have a weak back and should be working to strengthen the muscles, I also have hypermobility syndrome(double jointedness) not a good combination.
Odd things started to occur in 2007, neurological symptoms, numbness, anxiety and feeling I couldn't talk. Somatization disorder was given then.
2008 Things began to peak. I was having electical zapping pains running through my fingers. Chronic headaches. Back pain ongoing. This then led to debilitating fatigue. I lay down. With no children to take care off it was easier than those of you who have to take care of your kids and I feel deeply for you. I thought I was depressed but looking back I realise that it was Chronic Fatigue and no one bothered to shine light on that until this year. July or August 2010 I felt up to going out. I was shocked at my deconditioned, fatigued body. I couldn't breathe while walking. I thought I was going to collapse. In fact I am sure I was close. That night my ankles swelled up and they never went back down. Chest pain started around this time with other weird tightness in chest and stomach. Acid reflux and a continuous need to burp with little or no relief. Wild palpitations and irregular heart rate.
I have had paramedics out about six times over the last few years. ECGS no findings.
In March 2010 one GP handed me a leaflet on Fibromyalgia. It was my psychiatrist who confirmed I had this and chronic fatigue syndrome. ( The two are overlapping conditions in my opinion.)
I have gained 3 stones in body weight unexplained, fluid retention, etc my body has changed greatly in appearance more veins are showing yet it is a psychological disorder according to what input I have received from professional.

These are a list of symptoms that I experience or have experienced. some come and go some more chronic

1. Pain (chronic, migrates, can affect any part of the body, can be dull, sharp, strangling in character or be sciatica type pain. Chest pain imitates cardiac pain in so increasing anxiety because I never know when to call for help when it is really bad.

2. Digestive. IBS GERD, belching, bloating, irregular bowel movements.

3. Neurological, Numbness, tingling, Hands feet face. Pseudoseizures. Migraine. Smelling/Tasting differences. Forgetfulness (Fibrofog) Weakness in limbs.

4 Cardiopulmonary, breathing irregularities, heart beat irregular, breathlessness on minimal exertion. Exercise intolerance

5 Other, Seizing up with tight muscles, Walking difficulties because of Joint pain or weakness and breathlessness. Losing balance/dizziness/vertigo. The list goes on.

I pray that everyone will find a way to get better from Fibromyalgia the hard to diagnose hard to treat condition that the health authorities have little to offer for.

As anxiety sufferers this multi symptom condition is a burden to carry, and no one will know but sufferers them:lac:selves.

25-06-10, 08:06
I have many of the symptons you have described and have been told that i probably have fibromyalgia.
I have acid reflux - take omperazole for this and also ibs.
My joint pains began in dec 09 this time but i have had previous flares.
prior to this i had chronic stomach pains - had ultra sound and colonoscopy - both clear.
I also get pins and needles in fingers , nerve tests for carpal tunnel syndrome were negative.
I often feel fatigued and very weary.
i have tried lots of pain killers but with little help.
The one thing that i have found really helps is to make sure i get enough sleep - this seems to have improved my joint pains, at the moment i just have stiff hips and back in the mornings but am fine for the rest of the day ..
Fibro causes so many symptons and made me think i was imagining them!!
Prior to my flare i had been very stressed and feel this was the cause x

25-06-10, 11:03
Wow thank you so much for your post as it was like listening to myself describe me!
I have had most of your symptoms plus others for many many years and have been given diagnosises for each area of pain for example I do have herniated discs in my spine at neck and lumbar so always told that all my pain was coming from there but it just didn't add up then the chest pain which is always intense stabbing sometimes muscle spasms or that cramp like pain you get between ribs so you can't breathe because its like being stabbed was put down to costocondiatis - I have dizzinress- vertigo- acid reflux which has been put down to a mild hiatus hernia plus I am very overweight even though I diet constantly and again told its my underacitve thryoid even though I have taken tablets for 20 yrs and all my blood tests are normal!!!!!!!!!!
Twice I have been "tested" for fibro which is purely the trigger points and both times I was 2 short but two different doctors did the test and one harldy touched me whereas other one pressed like heck so what should it be.
I changed Drs due to house/place move and my new Dr just this week when I explained that I am in pain in multiple places every day andits nearly always the nerve type pain plus I get constant muscle twitching and seem to injure myself every day doing everyday things that other people don't even notice. he said becaue of my herniated spinal discs its complicated but he thinks alot is due to fibro- when I told him about the previous two tests he dismissed them as he said you don't need all the trigger points to have fibro its should be a clinical diagnosis of symptoms and he thinks I have this as well as genuine spinal problems.
I readily admit to my health anxiety and he said alot of this is due to the fact I feel like crap and in pain all the time and is understandable!!!!!!! I love him!
he also said int he nicest possible way that anxious or depressed people tend to get fibro and he thinks its your body reacting to prolonged anxiety.
i will pm you and hopefully we can share some more.

25-06-10, 23:25
There is so many more symptoms that I couldnt remember to list like fluid retention and unexplained weight gain. It's good to know you have a good understanding doctor on your side countrygirl because some just don't have insight. It seems to be becoming more common or maybe more diagnosed and the medical professionals really need to give each patient understanding, I don't know how much about this condition they are aquainted with but it doesn't take much reading to find the distress that is common in fibro/