View Full Version : a little worried

24-06-10, 20:33
I have severe depression and anxiety and i am on 20mg citalopram

well I was on the phone to my mum last night and after I had been chatting for about 5 mins my mum stopped me and asked if I was ok as she said i was talking rubbish and wasn't making sense.

The think is I can't remember what I was saying ? :unsure:

is this normal I am going crazy or is this a side affect ????

25-06-10, 15:22
Hi Leanne

I'm sure that I'm one of many who've read your post, and want to help - but don't have the experience to be of any use. Getting no replies on this would be depressing, so that's why I'm typing this.

I can't help you Leanne, but remember that your Mum loves you very much, and wants to help you. She also knows you well, so is in a fine position to know whether this could be a side effect of a new drug you're taking.

Hang in there... CATS2

25-06-10, 18:09
Thank you for the reply cats2,

I haven't told my mum about my depression or anxiety, don't know why, just can't.

25-06-10, 23:03
Try telling her! Sometimes when my mind is preoccupied I struggle with words or get nervous etc....could u tell what u were saying or not? I would say though sometimes people do say that if they r getting frustrated....but the words still make sense u just aren't hearing what u want to hear...sorry hope that make sense and u feel ok, try not to worry. how long have u been taking the tablet for? it takes 2 weeks to settle i'm on 10mg of it too.

25-06-10, 23:20
I have been on 20mg for 8 weeks now,

I can't remember what I was saying, thats the part that as got me worried :huh:

01-07-10, 21:50
i get like that sometimes, its very normal when your feeling anxious or thinking too much about what you are saying?! does that sound familiar to you?
i sometimes cant think about the word im saying then when i do i ferget what im saying or muddle my words.
i find im a better talker when im having a good day.

You have only been on citaloprham for 8 weeks i found it took me longer than that to feel the benifits but it works diffrently for everyone.

02-07-10, 01:10
One of the most frustrating things about depression and anxiety for me has been my loss of vocabulary. I find my head spins sometimes when I'm talking as my brain is frantically trying to find words or alternatives ahead of what I want to say. And if i'm proccupied about something, then have to have a conversation about something else, it's all a total jumble.

Not having told your Mum must be a stress in itself. If you can, do try to tell her. Mine had some difficulty understanding at first, but now at least accepts that I can become anxious about things that don't affect her and makes allowances or gives me support.