View Full Version : Flying on Sat - Help!

25-06-10, 00:35
Getting so close now - I'm okay, better than I usually am but still having anxiety & thoughts telling me I can't do this. It's not just the flight...it's being so far from home, change, the unkown ect.

Anyway, I'm doing it....almost finished packing & the 4 of us ready to go.

Please wish me luck & please please send me positive thoughts.

Thanks so much:blush:

25-06-10, 15:11
Hi Susan

Flying was always so bad for me when my kids were small - I knew that I had to take care of them in an emergency - when I would want someone to take care of me!

It's great that you're getting to grips with this. Remember a drink (or three) on board really helps.

It'll be worth it for what happens at the 'other end', and the feeling of empowerment and acheivement you'll feel.

Good luck (but you won't need it). CATS2

25-06-10, 20:02
A few squirts of bach flower remedy helped me. Anyway, good for you and living up to your Susan Jeffers quote. Good luck and if its a holiday, I hope you thoroughly enjoy it.

25-06-10, 20:18
You can do it! You know you can! This is your fear trying to control you, so just kick it up the butt and tell it "not today thanks".
Have a great holiday!

jude uk
26-06-10, 03:04
1. its so safe
2. you can flush the toilet on David Cameron(always a plus)
3. dont forget to put on the lotto when your away

I am off to malta on saturday and I am not the best flyer, cant flap my arms hard enough:D I normally take a diaz 2hrs before and one just before going on the plane
But I will be praying that you are calm and have a fantastic time

remember the 4 Cs
calmness confidence courage control

all the best