View Full Version : I had a good week

25-06-10, 06:48
So a week ago I am having suffering through constant all over body aches and joint pain. Symptoms I have had for years and have googled and scared myself more than half to death. I went through every even remotely plausible deadly disease. I have gone to many doctors and posted here many many times. In an act of desperation I went for a trigger point massage. While getting the relatively painful massage I was amazed that the therapist was able to find trigger points all over my upper body that were directly felt in other parts of my body and gave me great reassurance that stress and tight muscles and not some horrible malady was causing my upper body aches. I still had my feet to worry about was fearing all kinds of deadly or debilatating diseases. I posted on several sites and got little reassurance despite the best efforts of many helpful people that responded. Finally a couple of days ago I woke with horrible pain in my right foot, in ball of my foot and started a two day panic attack with all kinds of terrible thoughts. I finally went to a podiatrist and thinking she was going to tell me that since the symptoms while worse on one foot but present on both meant that I had some symptom of some horrible nuero disease and the end was near. Turns out she took xrays, saw that a couple bones on both feet were to too close to each other and I have developed something called a nueroma. This in not a symptom of anything worse, it is not malignant tumor and can be easily treated. She gave me a cortisone shot and had me fitted for orthotics that would help correct the problem. So after years of worry and many trips to doctors it turns out that I needed a podiatrist and a massage therapist to dramatically improve my anxiety. Of course I will probably find something else to worry about but for now I am very happy. I guess the moral of this story is never quit looking. I have found some peace of mind and so can you.

Sorry for the long post but I am so happy right now. Good luck.
