View Full Version : I'm struggling....

25-06-10, 09:47
Help, I am on 15mg of Mirtazapine each night which was reduced down from 30mg about 3 weeks ago (wanted it reduced as higher dosage seemed to make me worse but perhaps I didn't give it enough time??).

This week i have been suffering with increased anxiety (which I believe is from the dosage coming down although was only on higher dose for 2 weeks) and have been taking 2mg of Diazepam to help last few days. Tuesday i took 1 2mg at 7am and another 2mg at 4pm. Wednes and yesterday only took 1 2mg in the morning. Today I haven't taken any as I am worried about becoming addicted or needing to take more and more.

I'm struggling..... no appetite (always happens when i feel anxious), should I maybe take half a tablet?? I just want to feel better.

Greatful for any advice
S. x

25-06-10, 10:02
Relying on Diazepam can become addictive, but you are taking the lowest dose possible and not regularly. How often did the Doc prescribe them for - daily use or less? Possibly yu didn't give the higher dose of Mirtazapine a chance. People often come off meds too soon, thinking they feel better when it's actually the meds that are making them feel that way. If you find yourself relying more and more on the Diazepam, perhaps it would be a good idea to talk to your Doc again.

25-06-10, 10:15
Hi ya, originally doc prescibed Diaz way back in March for few days until the Mirtazapine kicked in, then it was 2mg up to 3 times a day if required, I only took them for few days.

This time when I saw her and asked for more Diazepam as they seemed to help, we discussed that my wedding and Honeymoon were 6 weeks away (now 5 weeks), she said that was fine, prescribed 28 tablets and stated 1 2mg tablet a day if required.

I am due to see her again in the next couple of weeks.

25-06-10, 13:59
HI! I would use the Diaz and follow up with your Dr. My Dr. basically did the same thing for me - only I use Xanax in addition to being on Celexa and BuSpar. I only use the Xanax when I absolutely have to as it works wonderfully - but I also know it can be addictive to my system so I am careful; I try to make it without....I usually use abotu 10 tablets over a three month period. Now you have a very "stressfull;" event coming up - yes, I know it should be the happiest time in your life - but for those of us that have anxiety we know we think a bit differently. If you need it, use the Diaz - get through the wedding and honeymoon - take it one day at a time.