View Full Version : Life's not all smiles

25-06-10, 10:29
I'm new and I've been looking aroung the site. I've read a lot about positivity and how strong sufferers of depression and anxiety are. I agree psoitivity helps and we are all strong people even if we don't recognise it. I don't agree that we all lack confidence or have faults that mean we are unable to cope with "normal" life.

Many people on here work, have families and participate in social activities. They also hide their anxieties. I'm guilty of this too. Why do we do it? What prevents us from being up-front and admitting that we feel stressed or upset? I think it's often the language we use.

Stressed means we are out of our depth, unable to cope with the situation. It's an internal failing on our part that we cannot cope. I don't like the word stressed. I prefer to think of the things that come at me as pressures - external circumstances or demands that would stretch most people, not just me.

Upset, or anxious, are again words that internalise the feelings and make them a result of our lack of coping mechanisms. Human beings are sensitive - the greatest communicators in the world. We weren't meant to live in cities or work long hours, juggling finances and families, with no time to properly communicate with each other or the natural world around us. I believe that most of us who suffer depression and anxiety do so as a result of our bodies trying to reject the lifestyles we are living. Most of this is forced upon us by the need to provide for ourselves and families, and conform to the social set we live with.

It does not come from within us, so we have the choice to change it if we wish. I don't mean we can all quit our jobs, but a move might be possible, or telling your mates you won't be watching football this week as you are taking the children walking in the woods. You may receive a little ridicule, but that will soon be forgotten whereas the time spent will your children will form a lasting happy memory to cherish.

To quote an old cliche "we don't know what goes on behind closed doors" The person sat next to you at work might appear calm and confident. Do you truly know how well they slept last night, or how many tablets they took just to get into work today? Life isn't all smiles, but we can have more of them if we stop internalising blame on ourselves, accept we are sensitive human beings and try to make even small changes to enrich our lives.

This is the sort of positive thinking that helps me.

25-06-10, 12:39
Hiya, I just wanted to add that if more people actually spent more time, noticing the people more around them, whether it b collegues, friends, family etc or even people we just say hello to every day etc, mayb a smile, a chat, a hug, whatever it may be, this may just help to turn someones day around into a much happier one.

We all have lots of stresses and families to support, but we all need someone from time to time and just spending alittle time with these people really make all the difference.

Hugs to u and everyone xx

25-06-10, 15:53
I so agree Marie. Hugs back to you xx

26-06-10, 03:15
I agree with all you've said Chem.:hugs: People shouldn't beat themselves up for being sensitive. They should be proud of being who they are because without sensitivity they wouldn't be so caring towards others.

We should always try to talk about our feelings too. If we keep them bottled they have no release so they cause alot of anxiety.

I feel anxiety affects many people in different ways due to their personal experiences so it is impossible to generalise and say everyone has exactly the same traits. The only common thread is that anxiety is created by fear and worry due to different types of pressure that have overloaded us.

Each case has to be taken on its own merits which is why no one "cure" fits all. I think anxiety is very complex so in a post it's difficult to cover every aspect so some will relate and others not depending on the area being covered.:hugs: