View Full Version : Anxiety mornings - anyone else?

25-06-10, 11:16

I posted a thread earlier this morning as I was really struggling and on the verge of "popping" a 2mg of Diazepam. I got through it :yesyes:.

I've noticed a pattern, I suffer quite badly with my anxious feelings from when I wake (around 6-6.30am) until around 10am -10.30am ish. I am so pleased that I didn't take one and at the moment feel relatively calm and composed, had I of taken one, I would have assumed it was the Diazepam rahter than me taking control.

I just wondered if anyone else suffered first thing? is this a "usual" pattern? could it be down to my Mirtazapine being taken at night (15mg at 9pm)?

Sorry if this has been asked before but I only joined this week and have found this site to be a lifesaver!

Thanks everyone and I loved to hear of any other "morning" sufferers!
S x

25-06-10, 11:41
Morning anxiety is pretty much a standard, lots of those of use who suffer from anxiety find that it's worse in the mornings. I found my anxiety would start the moment I started waking up, it stopped me from rolling over for a bit of a doze, which I like to do before getting up, I'd just be laid there with thoughts racing until the tension reached a point where I had to get up and about.

It would fade as the day went on, usually once I left the house and started doing something or going somewhere and by evening it would be just a buzz of tension. The first morning when I wasn't in the grip of my desperate anxious feelings was such a relief, the Citalopram had started working and I felt like a weight had been taken off my shoulders.

Most of the people I have spoken to on NMP find mornings are the toughest when dealing with anxiety, so you aren't alone on this one smb, but it sounds like you're making some progress so keep going.

Better days

25-06-10, 12:16
Mornings are the worst for me too. I find that I can barely eat a thing and feel anxious and nauseus too. Those days when I wake up and feel ok are just brilliant. Still get the bad days like today though.

25-06-10, 12:20
Oh I should say, when I have a bad morning I listen to a relaxation cd to relax myself. It does help.
This is the one i use

25-06-10, 12:33
Morning time is also worse for me, infact i think alot of it for me is that i go to bed to late and i wake up soo tired still, but i can't always sleep if i go too early.

I am usually ok after an hour or 2 though, big hugs to u xxx